Page 127 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 127

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                                NEGLECTED ARABIA
        aiijerably among themselves, they agreed to leave the whole matter to the
        lucal sheikh to settle. He came and told us that the storm had subsided •
        llut the stir had been caused by a certain sheikh from Tripoli now visit-
                                                                                               . i
        inj. Somail. This enemy of ours must have said that since the white
        people had driven him out of his country, he would keep the whites   out
        of Oman. .The local sheikh advised us to draw the work to a close and
        depart for Muscat. But after four days, as we were about to leave a
        messenger came on horse back from the Imam carrying a letter asking                    ■i
        the doctor to stay. This was good news for us, but the medical boxes                   *
        kid ifuiio by curuvan uud ilia load sheikh I mil nu Idea tliut wo would               .t
        dunifo our minds, send for the boxes und stuy (or another fifteen duys
        Hut lliut was just what happened, lie was asked to send two armed
        soldiers to search for the caravan that night. The caravan was over­                   w
        men at sunrise. That same afternoon the bottles were in their places
        ftady for business as usual.
         Now our position was firmly established. We were under orders from                 • 1 •
        the Imam. Barom, our enemy, was sent out of the country and the mis­                   3
        sionaries asked to stay. For the last two weeks the doctor spent all the
       diy in the operating room while I tried to take care of the clinics. Some               • i
       pnlictic cases turned up. ..One woman came three days by camel to have
       i cyst removed, weighing fifty pounds. Every conceivable operation was                  •a
       performed for the simple reason that for fifteen years no doctor had
       tuiicd this part. The son of the ruling sheikh came to see us. Many of                  S’- £
       fcu jiarty needed attention. There was no (juestion of his friendliness
       ujJ he did not seem to believe any of the stories that had been manu-                   \T
       jictured against us. When we left, he gave us a hearty send off and                      .1
       aid that there was no objection to the doctor’s coming again.
         It look us sixteen hours on donkeys to make the journey from Somail                  • j! •I*
       la Muscat, a distance of fifty miles. We came back tired but rejoicing                 . i
       tin a successful tour had been made. Many friendships had been made;
       «uny bodies cured from many maladies, and the road to the hinterland                   • t
       ci Oman had once more been opened for the Arabian Mission. . We feel
                                                                                              •i !
       piicful to God who made this possible and who kept us from harm on                       3
       tie way.
                                                                                              • i
                                                                                              • v



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