Page 129 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 129



                   The Annual Meeting of the Arabian Mission was held at Basrah in the
                 lirst week of November. It was a season of great refreshment from
                 personal intercourse which occurs rarely among missionaries scattered
                 over such a wide area.

                   The devotional services were conducted by the Rev. J. H. Linton,
                 Bishop in Persia in connection with the C. M. S. Mission, another illus­
                 tration of the delightful fellowship among missionaries over-coming 1
                 national and denominational lines.                                           j
                   The new members of the Mission were welcomed and assigned, the ' j
                 Rev. and Mrs. Garrett E. De Jong and Miss Swantina De Young, to
                 Kuwait for language study, and Mr. Theodore Essehaggers to the Boys’ \
                 School, Basrah.                                                              j

                   The Krv. J. YV. Willoughby, its corresponding delegate of the United
                 Mission in Mesopotamia, was in atleiidaiice at this Meeting. The Rev, l
                 James K. Moerdyk was designated as the delegate of the Arabian Mission i
                 at the forthcoming Annual Meeting of the U. M. M.                            1

                   The Rev. James E. Moerdyk has been transferred from Basrah to J
                 Amarah where he will be in charge of the evangelistic work of that
                   Miss Ruth Jackson has been designated as the delegate of the Mission
                 to the meeting of the Missionary’ Council for Northern Africa and West,
                 ern Asia to be held in Cairo in April, 1927. She will attend this meeting
                 on her journey homeward on furlough.

                   'l'he Rev. G. D. Van Peursem spent two weeks in the Arcot Mission in
                 August on his return to Muscat from his vacation in Kodaikanal, visit-
                 ing Mohammedan centers and giving illustrations of approach to Moslems.

                   A son was born to the Rev. and Mrs. B. D. Hakken at Bahrain on
                 December 26th.
                   The Rev. and Mrs. S. M. Zwemer arrived in America about October
                 1st. They have taken up residence in Princeton where Dr. Zwemer i*
                 giving a series of lectures at the Princeton Seminary. Dr. and Mn.
                 Zwemer are making visits to churches and societies of our denomination,
                 doing much to stimulate the interest of our Church in presenting Chris,
                 tianity to Mohammedans,
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