Page 13 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 13



                                      NlUilMCniU AKA HI. I                       5
                 decipher it. It was this: "Good morning, kliatuun. 1 know that Jesus
                 is true. Please will you come to our house and let us pray?”
                   Every day he asked when Dr. Moerdyk was coming. He was eager
                 to be taken to the hospital. Before the doctor arrived he was already
                 having great difficulty in speaking and he was not able to converse but
                 he always let me know that he appreciated the message I tried to bring,
                 particularly when 1 quoted his hymn. When the doctor got here he
                 managed to ask if any beds had arrived. The doctor said, “Yes, eight.”
                 and even Naeema was able to enjoy this bit of humor. He was having
                  such high fevers that Dr. Moerdyk hesitated to move him but he was

                                        V.'  o’

                                             YUSUF ENIM                                        i
                              One of our first converts, an officer in the Turkish army.
                        Though severely persecuted, he gave many years of service in mission work.
                  got improving and could not improve where he was so it was decided to        «
                  uke the risk and open the abscess which only then was beginning to
                  bead. This was done but it was too late. However, it revealed condi­
                  tions which proved that he could not have lived. It also showed how
                  ouch Naeema must have suffered. We knew he did but sjnee he usually
                  carried his cross with a smile and complained but little we perhaps did
                  got appreciate how brave he had been.
                    We would not have asked that our medical work and our hospital
                  oiight have such a dedication but the Lord deemed it right that our first
                  oinistration should be to one of His own. We can rejoice in the fact
                  lhai Naeema found the Saviour and could face the thought of death

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