Page 169 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 169


                          6                      NEGLECTED ARABIA                          «

                           a Typhoid epidemic in Amarah. I wish I had a quarter for ev*™ l
                           arm I punctured.                                             ™
                             One day the government doctor made a call on a man who had a ^
                           bad heart, used one of my brothers on him, and left soon after *
                           saying that it was ‘no use, the case was hopeless’. I immediately -
                           took up the work my brother left undone, and in my doctor’s hand*  •V
                           we soon had the patient sleeping, and the next day he seemed hit M
                           own self again, and lived over three months after that.
                             I have seen lots of sick people in my life time and am glad to say
                           that many of their faces can still be seen in the bazaar or on the
                           streets. Some of them are real good friends of my doctor, and '?
                           because they are his friends they are mine also. I hate to* hurt ^
                           them with my sharp point unless it is necessary, but when I am *

                                                                                         ; i


                                                  A STKKET IN AMARAIl

                           needed, they know and I know that neither of us will hesitate to i
                           submit ourselves to my doctor’s will. .
                             There is one thing, however, that I feel helpless in, and that is]’j
                           cannot accomplish what my doctor would like to have me do, and ^
                           what he desires more than anything else. One day I heard him \
                           say, “I wish I could use a hypodermic to inject some Christianity l
                           into some of these Arabs. The religion of the real Saviour doca *
                           not seem to get underneath the skin of these people”. I know that |
                           it is easy for me to get under people’s skin and if ray doctor could 4
                           only invent some serum of religion and give it through me, I’d J
                           guarantee to make an impression. However, maybe through thm I
                           medicine often prescribed with me or. without me, my doctor will i
                           win the confidence and friendship of these people and have the f
                           opportunity to tell them about the medicine in the hands of the a
                           Great Physician who is ready at all times to cure the heart! fuB |
                           of sin. and misery, if they come to Him and ask Him to cure them" s
                             Such is the story of the opportunity of medical service in Amarah, i
                           Blessed with a healthy climate, excellent drinking water, and | j
                           river an excellent means of transportation, Amarah is a haven fqf>|
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