Page 171 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 171

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                                         XEGLECTED ARABIA                         7
                   lurrounding districts, convenient to reach, and agreeable to live
                   in. It was for these reasons that Amarah was used as hospital
                   headquarters for English troops during the war. And again
                   Amarah is government headquarters for a large number of ruling             1
                   sheikhs who cultivate the land in the surrounding territory and            i
                   come to Amarah to sell their grain and transact ,their business
                   Many of these sheikhs have homes in the city in which they reside          1
                   part or all of the time and with them they bring their retinues of         t
                   icrvants and scores of relatives. Through caring for them the
                   doctor wins an introduction to the people of many of the surround-
                I ing districts, who come to him with diseases of the body, but worse
                l than that, darkness and diseases of their souls. Who knows but
                | what the seeds of Christian instruction which he sows in the hearts

                                               . •. .
                 p.                                                                     I

                                                             trr-                             ?
                                      THE WATERFRONT AT AMARAH
                                   (Dr. Moerdyk'* residence indicated by arrow)               5
                   of those who visit him in the hospital, may bring forth fruit of
                 I benefit to others who cannot come, to the Mission headquarters.             \
                 \ At the time of the writing of this article, the Lansing Memorial
                 J equipped or furnished, is about ready to offer a complete hospital          \
                 [ building for men, with quarters for a dispensary for women. The
                 \ hospital quarters this past year were in a temporary location,
                 | adapted for dispensary work only, and yet it was a busy place and           r,.
                 ) has proved a haven for many who needed physical care and relief             r
                 *» from suffering. May God grant that the medicine prescribed for
                 [ the souls of the patients who attend the clinics and hear the truth,
                 : guy also exert an influence on their lives and create in their hearts         p
                 L| desire for .the salvation offered to them by the Great Physician,
                                                                              •.                »*
                 y: b whose interests the doctor and his stuff ure working,
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