Page 189 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 189

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              Dr. Louis P. Dumc has recently been made u Fellow of the Royal ^
            Geographical Society of Great Britain, in recognition of his notublc.1l
            journeys into the interior of Arabia.
                                                                                    •: j ia
              Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Harrison and Miss Dalenberg have recently %
            had a very successful trip to Kateef and vicinity, the nearest point
            on the mainland to Bahrain.                                               .•*
                                                                                    - ^
              Dr. Margaret Rottschaefer arrived in Bahrain early in January *
            where she will have charge of the newly erected hospital for women
            and children.
              Rev. and. Mrs. D. Dykstra attended the Meeting of the Missionary 3
            Council for Northern Africa and Western Asia, held in Cairo in \
            April, as delegates of the Mission in the place of Miss Ruth Jackson
            who had been previously designated, but was unable to be present.;!
            They arrived in-New York on their furlough in the latter part
            June.                                                                   %

              Miss • Ruth Jackson, Miss Rachel Jackson and Miss- Cornelia •
            Dalenberg'arrived in.New York on the thirtieth of May.                  *
                                     • - •: «
                                                                                    o >
              Miss Charlotte B. Kellien,' who was expecting to return to.this l
            country on her regular furlough this year, has generously postponed j
            her leaving Arabia for a year in order to meet the situation tluij
            has arisen in Basrah for lack of workers.'                              ■ =■•

              On September 15th the following will sail from New York on
            the S.S. “American Trader” of the American Merchant Line, some ]l
            returning to the field after furlough in this country, others going ^
            out as newly appointed missionaries:

                                 Dr. and Mrs. Louis P. Dame
                                 Dr. W. Harold Storm
                                  Miss J. Victoria Foster
                                 Dr. Esther I. Barny
                                                                                    »* s


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