Page 25 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 25

NEGLECTED ARABIA                          11
                  iliem for His own? No! There might be a few who have heard the
                  message, there might be a few who know that there are Americans
                  ,n Amarah who are teaching a new religion. But they don’t bother
                  themselves or even think far enough to seek anything new or better.
                    When any one of their number is sick and needs medicine they
                  might come. And if the medicine does some good and the patient gets
                  hctter the news spreads far and wide and the next day or week they
                  *ill flock to us by the twenties and fifties. And so we get a chance
                  to tell them the love of Jesus. Would they understand it? Very few
                  j-ct any meaning out of it the first time and some might come to hear
                  the message again, while others would never hear it again. But you
                  ire asking why? In the first place, we may answer, it is their religion

                                         KOTA 11 BRIDGE OPENED

                   5*/ superstition and sin, in the second place their extreme ignprance, and
                   a the third place their bigotry. Will that gap of superstition, sin,
                   ^oorance and bigotry ever be closed? How long will we have to wait?
                   But we are not waiting, we are working, working, just as the bridge
                   acn now are working with all their might—winding up the cables
                   •hich close the bridge. It goes so slowly one can hardly see it move
                   fccause they are working against the current, but inch by inch the gap
                   a narrowing. Yes, it soon will be closed and then this crowd with
                   jBcir burdens and the camels press and push one another to get onto the
                   tfklgcf and be the first to reach the other side.
                    And just so, do we feel that we are working against the current and
                     how slowly we are gaining ground, but we are going to get there,
                   ifchough we cannot see the final closing of that bridge. We have only
                   fcjun to dose that wide gap between Islam and Christianity; but
                   fc/ough faith, patience and perseverance we press on.
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