Page 29 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 29


                                        MUlUiCTUD . IK. I HI. I                   1.5

                     Another lad wlio had been receiving instruction and had become
                   convinced of the truth definitely confessed Christ because of a dream.
                   ||c had been staying away from the Sunday services because of his
                   (car of men. This was shortly after he had recovered from a severe
                   lickness. In his dream Christ appeared to him and said, "I have given
                   y0u health and now I a^k of you mercy.” To the lad this meant only
                   one  thing—that Christ who had healed him asked him to be obedient
                   ind thankful by confessing him before men. From that hour on he
                   #rcW in grace and never hesitated to acknowledge his belief in hib

                         • :*>



                                              A HKUUU1N TKNT
                  t  A woman who has been called upon to suffer much in her life as a
                    lollower of Christ has often received strength and encouragement
                  :  through her dreams. Once when in deep despair she saw Christian
                  : fiiends stretching out their hands to help her. Another time Christ
                    ipl»cared to her and blessed her. Another woman dreamed of seeing a
                    «nain missionary friend coming down from heaven to her. This was
                    eicrpreted as meaning that the missionary was sent to her from God.
                  f She accepted the teaching of the missionary as God’s instruction. Still
                    4 third woman whose son was being taught from the Gospel had a dream
                    « which she saw her son half in the shade and half in the light. After
                    thi> she ceased her fears and accepted the Gospel as the true light in
                    ihich her son was to live.
                      It is worthy of our interest, to say the least, that dreams can be the
                    determining factor in the characters and lives of those among whom we
                    »ork. We do not understand them and not always do we credit them,
                     gut we can accept them as they are. If the Arab hears in them the
                    ivicc of God let us also be not deaf.
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