Page 253 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 253


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               T        HE Arabian Mission held its Annual Meeting at Kuwait, Novem- --
                        her 3rd to 11th. Nearly thirty of the missionaries
                                                                            were present *
                        tor this week of crowded business with which were coupled im­
                        pressive devotional services.                                    •m
                    The following missionaries are to return home on furlough in the-w?
               spring of 1928:
                                  Dr. and Mrs. C. S. G. Mylrea, .
                                  Rev. and Mrs. Bernard D. Hakken,                      •
                                  Miss Charlotte B. Kellien.                             .:iU
                    Miss Mary Neoskoleta Tiffany, M.D., has been appointed to the £’>
               Arabian Mission and is expected to reach the field in the latter part of  ■ :y'J
               January. She is at present studying at Digne, Basses Alps, France.
                                                                                       .* -mrS
                   Rev. and Mrs. Dirk Dykstra are making their headquarters in the
               missionary hom6 in Holland, Michigan, while they are making frequent
               visits to the churches of the ^western Synods.

                   Dr. L. P. Dame was recently presented with a moving picture camera
              and has already sent several rolls of films showing the work of the various .‘3
              stations. These will soon* be ready for exhibition in the churches.
                   Miss Esther I. Barny, M.D., the first child of the Mission to return   *.*■'
              to the field as a missionary, has been appointed to Baghdad for her lan-
              guage study, where she is to live with her parents, Rev, and, Mrs. F. Jt .■$
               Ibmiy and .study under the direction of her father.             j
                   The friends of Dr. Zwcmcr and Mrs. Zwemcr will be interested III
              knowing that they are spending a very busy winter in India. Dr. Zwemcr
              brings his wide knowledge and enthusiasm to many mission centers for '4
              the furtherance of the work among the Moslems of that land.
                   Miss Strang, whose ill health caused her retirement from the Arabian
              Mission, is planning with another helper to return to her later work in \
              Hillah, Mesopotamia.
                   The long delayed reopening of medical work in Oman from Matrah *
              as a center will be a cause for rejoicing to those who remember Dr. ’• )
              Thoms. Dr. Harrison was appointed to that field at the last Mission
              Meeting.                                                                    J
                   The completion by Dr. John Van E* of r^JoVoTttaLtoiL" S
              as a member of the Arabian Mission was made the            . resojut:Qn l
              by the Mission of a very appreciative and$
              Reference is made to the success attending ns '         » inspiration A
              character of his service, to his Christian examp e ar0usinir in them i
              that he has been to the other members of the Mission. jrojsin^m them . ^
              warm affection and respect for him personally                        as a ..,-4


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