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                                    The Arabian Mission

                                                        OF THE
                                      REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA

                                      Officers of the Board of Foreign Missions
                             Rev. W. 1. Chamberlain, Ph.D., Corresponding Secretary
                             Rev. Henry l\, Cobb, I),!),, Fresident
                             h'. M. Puller, /Issueinto Secretory and Treasurer
                             Rev. W. J. Van Ker.sen, D.D., District Secret  ory             f

                                                  MISSIONARIES                             r V
                      Kev. James Cantine,             Stone Ridge, N. Y.,   Emeritus.      *
                      Rev. and Mrs. S. M. Zwemer,     Cairo, Egypt,        Evang. and Lit. Wort
                      Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Barny,      Baghdad, Mesopotamia,                  v.
                      Rev. James E. Moerdyk,          Amarah, Mesopotamia,   Evangelistic Work.   n
                                                                           Evangelistic Work.
                      Rev. and Mrs. J. Van Ess,       Basrah, Mcso|>otamia,   Educational Work.   3
                      Miss J. A. Scardefield,         25 E. 22d St., N. Y.,   Emeritus.   *
                      Miss Fanny Lutton,              Muscat, Arabia,      Evangelistic Work. ':'r
                      Rev. and Mrs. D. Dykstra,       Holland, Mich.       On furlough.
                      Dr. and Mrs. C. S. G. Mylrea,   Kuwait, P. G.,       Medical Work.
                      Rev. and Mrs. G. J. Pennings,   Bahrain, P. G.,      Evangelistic Work. •
                      Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Calverley,  Kuwait, P. G.,       Evang. and Med; WoA l
                      Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Harrison,    Matrah, Arabia,      Medical Work. ;
                      Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Van Pcursem,  Muscat, Arabia,    Evangelistic Work. 7?
                      Mrs. Sharon J. Thoms,           Baghdad, Mesopotamia,  Educational Work. -3d
                      Miss Sarah L. Hosmon, M.D.      Muscat, Arabia,      Medical Work.
                      Miss Charlotte B. Kellien,      Basrah, Mesopotamia,   Educational Work.
                      Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bilkert,    Basrah, Mesopotamia,   Evangelistic Work. ""
                      Miss M. C. Van Pelt,            Kuwait, P. G.,       Medical Work.    • *
                      Dr. and Mrs. L. P. Dame,        Bahrain, P. G.,      Medical Work.    •* i
                      Miss Ruth Jackson,              Westfield, N. J.,    On furlough.
                      Miss Rachel Jackson,            Westfield. N. J.,    On furlough.
                     Miss Cornelia Dalenberg,         South Holland, 111.,   On furlough.
                     Rev. and Mrs. Bernard Hakkcn,    Bahrain, P. G.,      Educational Work,
                     Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Moerdyk,      Amarah, Mesopotamia,  Medical Work.
                     Rev. and Mrs. Garrett De Jong,   Kuwait, P. G.,       Language Study.
                     Miss Swantina DeYoung,           Kuwait, P. G.,       Language Study,
                     M r. Theo. Essebaggers,          Basrah, Mesopotamia,   Educational Work.
                     Dr. and Mrs. Harold Storm,       Kuwait, P. G.,       Language Study,
                     Miss F.sihrr llarny, M.l).,      Baghdad. Mesopotamia,  Language Study,
                     Miss M. N. Tiffany. M.l).,       Kuwait, P. G.,       Language Study,
                         Address all letters to Missionaries on the field "Via Bombay.
                         Postage on First Class Mail, 5 cents.
                         Letters to l)aKhdad. Basrah.ami Amaral, may also be          posbng^
                     aeruss the desert, reaching their destman'in •"*        left-hand corner utf
                     New York. Such mail must bei specially markedPos,age. 11
                     underscored in red ink. "Via Overland Mml Haitauagnuau.
                      for the first ounce and 9 cents tor each adchti

                     America in 1925. The change did         ‘administration ami lenal status. A|

                     sions. They may be specially designated 1'or Work
                                         Boakd ok Foreign Missions, R. C. A.
                                            25 East 22d Street, New York
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