Page 45 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 45


                 4                          NEGLECTED ARABIA

                    Mrs. Van Peurscm writes about 1 lie woman's nuMliral work In
                  Muscat: The first few weeks of uur slay in Muscat after our return
                  from furlough were taken up with the nursing of our own family whose
                  members were suffering with influenza. Dr. llosmon was in Suhar at
                  the time, being called there by Sayed Hamed whose child needed
                  medical attention. While there she visited Saham, Suweik, and Batho,
                  reporting 476 patients treated, and a very enthusiastic and encouraging
                  demonstration of the working of the Divine Spirit assisting her in her
                  evangelistic efforts. Mrs. Van Peursem says, “The longer we are in
                  medical work the more we become impressed with the many infirmities
                  caused by ignorance and the many more which are made worse by
                  ignorance. A greater effort to teach our women in prevention of dis­
                  eases, care of children, and general hygiene should have as large a part
                  in our Christian service as the cure and treatments have.”
                    Nurse Mary is still proving a strong pillar in the medical work, not
                  only because she can prescribe for the sick women who come to her,
                  but also because of the uplifting influence she has on the community by
                  her Christian helpfulness and friendship.

                    Though an island situated off the coast of a barren desert, Bahrain
                  presents to the eye of the visitor who comes to it by steamer a beautiful
                  appearance with its numerous palm trees, and its distant mountain.
                  Upon arrival at the shore of the island, however, one finds considerable
                  barren desert surrounding the gardens, and experiences the heat of the
                  sun's rays upon it and the depressing effect of its humid atmosphere.
                  So it is also with the work of the mission there. Upon arrival one U
                  impressed with the large number of friends the mission has and tin
                  hearty welcome given to any new missionary coming to the. island, but
                  this welcome is nut extended to our religion, and few are the people in
                  Bahrain who are willing to accept the religion of Jesus Christ with
                  open minds and hearts.

                               The Msuun Memorial Hospital appears in the left backKruun.l
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