Page 47 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 47


                                 NEGLECTED .IK.Ilf (A                            5

          As (lio center of tlic Gulf's pearl industry, Bahrain has been hard
        hit this year by the very pour pearl market, but we are pleased to  see
        llmt, in spite of this, Dr. Dame has been very successful in obtaining
        gifts from local friends for the new Woman’s and Children's Hospital
        building. Sheikh Hamed has done his part in a liberal gift of money
        and has also added to the Bahrain property a piece''of land adjoining
        die property now belonging to the mission. We are indeed grateful to
        him for the evidence of his interest in our work as shown by his many                 :
        gifts to the mission, both of money and property. The new addition to
        die men's hospital, made possible by Mr. Rosenthal's gift, was super­
        intended in its building by Mr. Barny. It is a much needed and very
        excellent addition and much appreciated by the mission. A new roof
        to the Mason Memorial Hospital was made possible by money sent out
         from home last year and the doctor in charge is happy to say that
        his worries about a leaky roof are ended.
          Statistical reports of work of the past year are as follows:
                     Number of dispensary cases               24,225
                     New cases..............................   4,960
                     Old cases ..............................  8,754
                     Dressings ................................  10,231
                     Minor operations .................          224
                     Major operations ...............            424
                     Out-calls ................................  468
      *                              /
      t   The women's medical work in Bahrain shows a substantial increase
      * and justifies the request of the mission for a new and separate women's
      j hospital. Dispensary treatments exceed that of last year by 3,500 and
      I lu-|iulicnlH have increased from *10 lo 02. Among the lu-patients      was
      [ Nuru, widow of Sheikh Ahmed, nephew of the Sheikh of Debai. All
         who come receive a Gospel message to take with them and we would
         wish that the healing of their souls was as much in demand as the
         healing of their bodies. At one time Miss Dalenberg reports that they
         had 12 in-patients, a large crowd for the smalt quarters of the women's
         hospital, and the new isolation quarters of the men's hospital had to
         be borrowed for some of them. You can imagine how happy Miss
         Dalenberg was when she received word that $10,000 was granted for
         die building of a new Women’s and Children's Hospital’ so that she
         could look forward to a building with ample room for the needs of the
         patients she treats. Bahrain considers itself fortunate to say that, before
         another year is past, it will have the building completed, and hopes that
         oi the near future a woman doctor will be sent out for this hospital.
           Statistical reports are as follows:
       #             Dispensary treatments                      8,768
       I             Old cases ....................             4,609
       i             New cases ..................               4,159
                     In-patients ..................                62
                     Major operations ,..                          19
                     Minor operations ...                          50
                     Obstetrical cases ....                        41
                     Qut-calls ....................               S24

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