Page 5 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 5



                         The Annual Meeling of ihe Araliian Mission was held ;ii Kuweit in
                       I Ik: early part uf November.
                         At the Annual Meeting of the MKsiun Rev. James \i. Muerdyk was
                       congratulated by his associates for having completed a <|iiarter century
                       uf work in Arabia, and the Mission gave thanks to God for these years
                       of strong and faithful service.
                         Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Rarny, immediately after the Annual Meeting uf
                       the Mission, removed to Baghdad where they will he temporarily cun.
                       nected with the U. M. M.. Idling the vacancy created by the return to
                       America of Dr. and Mrs. Cantine.
                         Dr. and Mrs. James Cantine are spending the winter in Ka>i Orange,
                       New Jersey, where they may be addressed at 182 Main Street.
                         On October 16th there were two new arrivals in Basrah—Virginia
                       Ruth Bilkert and Barbara Anne Bilkert. This is believed to be the first
                       instance in the history of our foreign missionary work of twins being
                       born to. members of our Missions on the held.
                         Rev. and Mrs. Bernard Hakken spent a few weeks in November
                       and December in Beirut, Syria, where Mr. Hakken underwent treatment
                       in the Medical School and Hospital of the American University at
                       Beirut, and where he seems to have been greatly improved by the treat­
                         Rev. and Mrs. G. J. Pennings, on their return to Arabia, have resumed
                       their residence in Bahrein where they are to engage in KvangelKtic
                          Dr. and Mrs. Paul Harrison have been transferred from Kuweit tu
                       their old station at Bahrein, where Dr. Harrison will resume charge of the
                       Medical Work upon the return on furlough in 1926 of Dr. and Mr*.
                         It has been decided that the new missionaries coming out during I92u
                       shall be assigned to the Kuweit Station for language study.

                         Miss Jane A. Scardefield has greatly improved in health .since her
                       return to this country, and is now residing in Yonkers, New York,
                       where she may he addressed at 94 Saratoga Avenue.
                         The publication is announced of a book prepared by Rev. K. £
                       Calverlev, Ph.D., entitled “Worship in Islam.” This was the the**
                       which Dr. Calverley prepared for his Doctor’s degree at Hartford
                       Seminary in 1924.


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