Page 7 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 7


                                Missionary News and Letters
                                     Published Quarterly
                                 THE ARABIAN MISSION


                                        Mrs. D. Dykstka
                          HAT l do lliou knuwest nut now 1ml thou shult know here­
                          after.” So llic Lurd has spoken to us in the last days.
                          Three times in the past two years the Lord has come into
                          our midst and taken unto Himself one of His children who
                has received the gift of faith and who had been born anew into His
                 In August, 1923, it was a  man in his prime who had for several years
                been a  secret follower                    and who during the last
                )car of his life made                      rapid progress in dis-
                cipleship and in courage                   to confess his Lord. And
                then the Lord took him                     away after an illness of
                i few hours of cholera.                    Again, in February,
                1924, the Lord came                        very unexpectedly, and
                look home another con­                     vert. She had been bap-
                ned on December 23rd,                      and we rejoiced with
                her and because of her                     very evident growth in
                jrace. And then she left                   us, translated and taken
                borne to glory, in a                       moment of time, and is
                jerving the Lord in                        heaven above. Today,
                December 19th, we have                     said farewell to another
                Wother and friend. This                    time it was Naeema, a
                Ud of about seventeen. He came to us as our sweeper when we came to
                Amarah. From the beginning he showed a spirit of interest, of friendli-
                oc*s and sincerity. The first summer he seemed to be in normal condi-
                oon.  But in the fall he came down with what we then learned was an
                old trouble. At the head of the government hospital was an English
                doctor who diagnosed his disease as tuberculosis of the bone. Three
                doctors made the same diagnosis. All agreed that with care and good
                feeding he might still outgrow his trouble but that his condition would
                «l»aya give cause fur uuxidy. At that time Naeema was in the hospital      \
                for several months. His life hung in the balance until summer time of
                ike year following and then he began to improve. Being unable to labor
                «c began giving him lessons and this was the beginning of his spiritual
                feuons as well. Again in the fall of 1923 he had a spell of weakness but
                allied after the winter had passed and the same thing happened last
                jtar and the past spring. Each time the recurrence of his weakness
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