Page 65 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 65


                 14                        NEGLECTED ARABIA

                 gathering is held for men, more or less informal in character, hut it ik
                always terminated with a Scripture lesson and prayer. Several of the .j
                 men who attend services regularly are openly confessing their acceptance o
                 of Christ's teaching, and are coming for special religious instruction aial jj
                 have asked for baptism. One of the mission servants who has listened |
                 to the message for three years, has also asked for baptism and the ]
                 missionaries feel that he is sincere in his request and expect to   comply
                 with it as soon as possible.
                   Nasiriya's Bible shop seems to be a popular place also,        reports * •
                 large sale of Scriptures, and has an average daily attendance of 73. Dur. j
                 ing the past year one enemy of the mission went to court with a charge ■
                 against the mission of distributing literature contrary to the Moslem 1
                 religion, but we are glad to say that he gained no satisfaction from th* *
                 court applied to.                 .             .          c .
                   Touring has been less extensive this year because of low water in 1
                 the river, but many short tours were made with the launch with thejj



                                 FORMKK MISSIONARY KKSIDKNCK. AMARAll
                hearty welcome of the people visited. Mr. Dykstra feels the need of
                medical aid in his work in Amarah and the surrounding districts and
                is thankful that the mission has transferred the Lansing Memorial How
                pital fund from Basrah to Amarah for future use. He reports olticul
                sanction from Baghdad for the building and opening of medical work,
                with the permission for a school thrown in for good measure. He ul*,
                reports the availability of a desirable piece of property for the building
                of tlui hospital, the purchase of which has been sanctioned by the mission,
                lie asks for your prayers for the work in this country, lor die young
                men who are trying to follow the Master, and for the two colporteur*
                who have been so faithful in the past year in their work in the liilic
                  The work among the women has also been encouraging. Mrs. Dykstm ,
                reports the open expression by one of her girl pupils ami her hclpcg
                with the women, of her desire to live according to the Lospel and folio*
                Jesus whom she confesses to love. The daily clinics for the relief of

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