Page 69 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 69


                                              PERSONALIA                                      ’>3 §

                       Dr. Calverley reports in a recent letter the opening of a regular motor i

                    service between Kuwait and Basrah which greatly affects the time %
                     element in the relation of these stations.                                |

                       Rev. Dirk Dykstra writes of the baptism in April of two Mohammedan
                     converts. This has given great joy to the missionaries of the Amarah
                     Station as to all the members of the Mission.

                       Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Zwemer are now engaged upon another one of 1
                    their significant journeys in the Mohammedan world. They are spend-j
                     ing this summer in Persia, studying the Moslem problem and holding |
                     helpful conferences with members of the Presbyterian and C. M. S. I
                     Missions in that country.                                               Vi

                       I)r. and Mrs. Louis 1*. Dame arrived in New York June LHli on llidrJ
                     furlough. While in Europe they visited relatives and friends in Th*|
                     Netherlands and in Scotland. While in America they will reside i*J
                     Chicago, their address being: 337 South Kilbourne Avenue, Chicago, HL||
                       The following are the arrangments made for the return to the field <4 ^
                    members of the Arabian Mission after their furloughs in this country,
                    and for those who have been appointed to service:
                                                                                              ■ a
                       Dr. Sarah L. Hosmon, from New York, August 18.
                       Dr. and Mrs. John Van Ess, from New York, September 2.                 V
                       Rev. and Mrs. G. E. De Jong, from New York, September 2.               3
                       Miss Swantina De Young, from New York, September 2.
                       Mr. Theodore Essebaggers, from New York, September 2.                  ri
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