Page 95 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 95
Tl,cn La neighbor spoke. “Yes. Mohammed Ali and some nf .
lo school though it is a long way but there U ™ oU°^ef°f Clur
Could not you come down here and teach them? Thev°ar/°r theKtMI!ls-
When we were young it was a shame for girl? to L to srh/i'T h”?*1.1,
different since the war and we want our cirls to Jfv/° £h°° ’ but 11 «
tf« « like a-imals ,h„ know b„! they a'’.o™," '2 '“Ti
learn if you would teach them/' y 6 youn£ an(* could i
“Yes, Khatun, we would like you for our tencher”
jirls squatting at my knees. How I longed to gather them^n | . C
\Ve were sure that Khadijah lived in this district but no one seemed to
know anything about her. Strange indeed but the answer was at hand.
J’rom a latticed window I heard a voice.
“Its the nurse from the government come to vaccinate for smallpox/' i
"No, no/' I answered, “we are not nurses but friends of Khadijah and A!
*c want to visit her. Will you not, tell her that we have come?'1
Thus the barrier was removed and we were soon sitting on a narrow
uptairs verandah where the house sheltered us from the sun but a burn
ing breeze blew full upon us. Khadijah, her mother and sister, old
(riends, were most cordial. The sister's mother-in-law and her daughter :
*cre more reserved. There was also a young woman there who had just
l^cn divorced by her husband. It was through her that the opportunity * •
lo give our message came. /
“You Christians are better than we are for you do not take partner
lives nor divorce/'
1 told her Christ's teaching about marriage and divorce.
“Oh, I wish it was so in Islam," she replied. “Your religion is good H
lat two things I cannot understand. You say that the prophet Jesus •1
^icil and you say that He is the son of God. It is blasphemy to say that ;
1^*1 would marry and have a son. He is not a man that He should have A
I wife."
“You do not understand our belief. We too call such a thought blas-
I ybemy. Jesus, is the Son of God in that He is the Word of God, the V8
denial Spirit of God that took a human body that He might manifest V
I Cud unto us. He said, ‘He who hath seen me hath seen the father. > Jl A
“I can understand that but you say He died upon the cross and the
i Koran says He did not die. Another like Him was put in His place and
He was snatched up into heaven."
The Bible woman spoke up. “You quote the Koran but do you not
•tauw that the Koran says of Jesus, ‘And peace upon me the day I was
•' and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised up alive.' " i • i '
: -Yes, it is true. Those are the very words of the Korgn," affirmed
ilbailijah. "Then why do you say He did nut die?"
* -lluw could it be that God would let men take the life of His
ipfhct?" was the only answer.
Could there be a liner opportunity to tell the story of redemption, of >v
(Vac so great than even that unthinkable gift was given, a life not taken A
H freely laid down for our salvation. May God bless His message :
^cued to so earnestly by those women on that day.