Page 97 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 97


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                       The members of the Arabian Mission who have been enjoying that
                     biennial vacations outside of Arabia have scattered somewhat
                    several for the first time having gone northeast to the Plateau of pcr^ **

                            Dr. and Mrs. Mylrea have been spending some weeks in Shiru.
                         Persia, having traveled all the way from Kuwait by automobile.

                            Rev. and Mrs. H. A. BPkert have spent their holiday at HamacU^

                            Rev. and Mrs. 0. D. Van Peursem have been in Kodaikan^c
                         Southern India, Mr. Van Peursem having spent some time in »
                         Arcot Mission holding conferences on the approach to Mulu*. ’

                            Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Barny and Mrs. Sharon J. Thoms, wbu^
                         services have been loaned for a season to the United Mission «-
                         Mesopotamia, have spent their holiday at Brummana, Syria.

                       Plans are about completed for the transfer of Miss Margaret ft *
                    Ruttschaefer, M.D., formerly a member of the Arcot Mission ^ '
                    recently a member of the staff of the Union Missionary Medical ScU^ ;
                    at Vellore, India, to the Arabian Mission, with a view to be^inu^ ,
                    medical work in connection with the newly built Hospital for Wo^ \
                    and Children at Bahrain.

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