Page 103 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 103



          The mail boat arrived very late so no post, rather tiresome.  Busy morning.  The pearling fleet returns tomorrow &
          after that there is a busy time for the diving court.  The Queen came to tea & to meet her Miss Dalenburg & Mrs
          Barrett - I went out to the Barretts & played tennis.  Had three very good hard setts with Barrett, Pickering &
          Robinson, the latter is a tiresome young man & conceited.

          In the morning I went in to see a man called Khalil Moawad, a very intelligent & progressive fellow who is a
          member of the Municipal Council & so up to date that he wants a school for girls in the town.  I doubt whether it
          would be very popular, I can imagine a great outcry if it was started.  Everywhere one hears the same opinion of
          the Sheikh - that he means well but has no initiative & no strength of mind.  Daly ruled him with a rod of iron &
          only by doing that was he any use as a ruler.

          Tuesday [28 September]

          Court in the morning, a lot of cases but some of them I left to Shaikh M my brother magistrate who ought to be
          capable of dealing with the simple ones.  Then went with Barrett to meeting of the Municipal Council which was
          extremely amusing as the members became exceedingly violent & abusive to eachother.  Afterwards to the office
          where I was kept till after 2 pm by endless people calling to see me about every sort of thing.

          In the afternoon motored out to Rafaa with Robinson to show him the place where his post is to be kept.  He is silly
          about his soldiers & talks as if they were made of glass, he is very young really & rather conceited.

          Wednesday 29th Sept

          Deputation of merchants called at the Agency in the morning & Barrett gave them an answer to the petition they sent
          to the Resident saying that it was a matter for the Bahrain State & he had no hand in it & that it was not his business
          at all.  Went back to the office from the Agency & was very late owing to the delay earlier on.  Drove out in evening to
          Essex point & to see the Palace which is getting on very well.  Dined in the evening at the Hakkens, also present the
          Barretts, quite a decent dinner except the water which was reminiscent of drains.  Mrs B was as futile as usual &
          made several quite unfortunate remarks.

          Thursday [30 September]
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