Page 99 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 99
Wednesday 15th Sept
The Sheikh & his near relations paid a state call at the Agency in the morning, about ten of them, sitting stiffly &
silently on chairs in a circle, but the old man talked quite intelligently & Barrett was very pleased with him. Went
back to the office afterwards after hanging about for a long time waiting for the P.R to make his mind up. I like him
personally but officially he is an impossible old dawdler. These elderly Government officials who are too old for work
are a great nuisance, he is hanging on hoping for a K.C.S.I. which doubtless he will get.
In the afternoon called on Sheikh Hamed with Barrett - official call, B wearing uniform & sword. The Sheikh received
us outside the palace & had the ponies out for us to see. Prideaux had asked B to enquire what the Sheikhs opinion
was about the return of the Dawasir Arabs who were banished. Daly used instantly to say that it would be ruination
to let them back, now there is an intrigue afoot, & the Sheikh has been got at, to let them return. He tried to get me
to reply for him & when I wouldnt said he thought it might be a good thing. Myself I think its madness. On the day
Daly left the head Sheikh landed in Bahrain - breaking the banishment! I now see signs of an entirely new policy
directly opposed to Daly's which was the result of 5 years hard work. Perhaps once the Political Resident has gone
we may be able to get it put off. He himself is retiring in a few months - & a good thing too for the Gulf. Played
Bridge after dinner.
Thursday Sept 16th
The P.R. keeps one hanging about such a lot. He doesnt seem to realise that there is a very great deal of work here all
day & every day - apparently none is done by him in Bushire. Prior his secretary is ill & very sorry for himself. In the
afternoon we drove out to Ali to see the tombs & to witness the opening of one by the P.R. Quite a party, Spence,
Pickering, one of the naval men ourselves & Barrett; Mrs B didnt come. The tomb was duly opened & contained a
few bones & an ostrich egg - dull! We tramped about for a long time. I felt rather seedy & went to bed when we got
back & missed dinner. I couldnt bear the thought of talking to Mrs B inane woman.
Friday 17th [September]
Moved altogether into the house, that is to say had our meals here. Spent the morning arranging drawing room
which is really a charming room. Very busy - felt quite fit again. Played tennis at Agency. The missionaries present in
full force.