Page 84 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 84



          Spent the whole morning in the Levy Corps taking down all the evidence about the shooting.  The accused made no
          attempt to deny it & said he did it because the Subadar had reduced him from Nack to Sepoy.  He said he didnt mean to
          get Daly with a shot, but he did mean to get him with his bayonet as Daly called out "catch him".  The Guard behaved
          very badly, running away as soon as they heard shots, & they were the only people who were armed.  Daly has cabled
          for a cruiser as it appears that there is more in it than meets the eye.  The Mullah, who comes from Russian Persian
          frontier, appears to be at the bottom of it, a nasty fanatical looking fellow with green eyes, rather like a bad edition of a
          religious picture, long hair & beard & robes.  The accused had a revolver & the same bullets were the ones used in the
          police shooting case.  The men are quite quiet.

          After tea we went over to Sitra island, in a joliboat.  The wind dropped & the tide was against us so we didnt arrive till
          8 pm, then had to walk to the Levy port which I looked at, & found extremely sloppy & in bad order.  Stayed there
          some time & then returned to the boat, by which time it was quite dark.  The tide was with us but no wind, & we ran
          aground.  Really very awkward, spent a long time trying to push off the boat & then waded ashore, they carried M, but
          it was quite shallow.  Arrived at a village & borrowed a donkey from an old woman, who thought we were thieves,
          then with the narkhuda & the L/C orderly who I had brought, fortunately, we went back to Manama, M riding the
          donkey & I walking - about 5 miles.  Got back at 12.30 & found a perfectly good dinner ready waiting for us.  Really
          these native servants are surprising when there is an emergency.  A hot damp night.  Gave M the pearl which I bought
          for her birthday.

          Saturday 7th [August]
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