Page 85 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 85
Daly persuaded us to come down to the Agency as he didnt like the responsibility of M being alone at the fort for so
long every day. My own opinion is that there is really no danger at all but Daly has cabled for cruisers & is making a
real big show of it all. Rather tiresome moving house so often. Daly got up in the afternoon, but still looks very seedy
& much bandaged. M continues to have fever & naturally doesnt feel well as long as it goes on. Here she will be able
to see the Dr as he comes in daily to see Daly. Brought down some of our clothes but left most things up there. Both
of us are rather indignant at being made to leave the Fort. It looks as if we were afraid of being there but really I am
perfectly confident that there wont be any more trouble. It was obviously a single outbreak.
Sunday 8th August
Court in the morning. Took a number of Agency cases besides my own. The missionaries came to call on Daly, &
most of the native personages sent to ask after him. Cant remember much that happened as am writing this some days
after. Very busy indeed as much of D's work now falls on me. Daly got up in a dressing gown.
Monday 9th August
The Cruiser Cyclamen arrived in the afternoon & the Captain, Perryman, came ashore in the evening, later he went
back & sent a party of sailors & a machine gun along to the Agency. M & I motored to the customs to meet them but
found they had come direct to the Agency pier. We organised 50 Persians as sort of special police to patrol the