Page 274 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
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252              Part VII—Chap. LIII.

                                            CHAPTER IIII.

                                     RESIDENCY FROM THERE, 1827.
                        Rtiident't letter to Boraboy Government, dated   467. In February 1827 events occurred
                      7th February 1827.            at Bushire which were followed by serious
                            Volume ,Vr of 1827, pago 305.  consequences. On the 2nd Fobruary
                      there was a simultaneous and almost unpremeditated insurrection of the
                      inhabitants of Bushiro headed '.by 150 men from the Benifladgi tribe from
                      a neighbouring village and led on by Sheikh Hussein (brother of Sheikh
                      Abdul Bassul Khan) who had for the last two months resided under tho
                       Resident’s protection.
                          468. Tho insurgents during the night surprised tho only two towers of
                      the fort which were occupied by Sheikh Ahmed’s faithful adherents and
                      suspended their further operations till daylight when they surrounded the
                      Sheikh’s house, and after skirmishing tho greater part of the day compelled him
                      to subscribe to an agreement concluded under Colonel Stannus’s mediation,
                      whereby he was obliged to abdicate the Government and take refuge in tho
                      Residency till accounts wore received of the surrender of Karrack, when he
                      was to be furnished with the means of proceeding by sea beyond the limits of
                      the Bushire territory.
                          469.  The authority of Sheikh Ahmed was at no period more generally
                      recognised or more cheerfully submitted to than on the day previous to his
                      downfall. His popularity was lost by a plan which he had formed of sending
                      hostages from each tribe to Karrak as pledge of their fidelity on the
                      approach of tho Prince, and this one act of oppression had been found to cancel
                      all his former claims on the gratitude of the inhabitants.
                          470.  On the second day after Sheikh Ahmed had taken up his abode at the
                      Residency, it became necessary to make a communication to the new Govern­
                      ment on behalf of that Chieftain, which induced him to repair to the house of
                      8heikh Mahomed, the uncle of Sheikh Abdul Rassul Khan, when the Resident
                      requested that the two young Sheikhs who were in possession of the Govern­
                      ment might he sent for to hear the proposal with which he was entrusted. In
                      the course of the conversation that followed Sheikh Hussein took offence at an
                      observation which fell from the Resident, left the house abruptly and rushed
                      towards the towers with bis followers, who were soon raised by his voice and
                      gestures to a proper pitch for executing any act of violence.
                          471.  The consequence was that the armed rabble of the town were soon
                      everywhere in motion. The Residency was gradually surrounded by men
                      posted in groups behind the neighbouring huts, and detached parties were seen
                      creeping along the roofs of tho bouses to occupy commanding positions. These
                      demonstrations were followed by the approach of a large gun which was
                      brought from a distance and planted within 100 yards of the house, one of the
                      Residency servants was stopped close to the walls and plundered of articles
                      which he was carrying to the gate. Parties were stationed in the streets
                      leading to the Residency avowedly to prevent ammunition being introduced
                      there, in which occupation they committed the most wanton act9, emptying
                      water jars, opening bundles, and searching the persona of Armenians and
                      others who approached it.
                         472.  These violent proceedings forced the Resident to adopt measures for
                      sustaining an attack, and the Residency was in the course of the afternoon
                      placed in a respectable 6tate of defence, but fortunately for both parties
                      matters were prevented from coining to extremities. A note which Colonel
                      Stannus addressed to Sheikh Kasir shout 12 o’clock occasioned them to pause
                      and reflect a little on the consequences of their proceedings, and a second
                      written about three hours later produced a cessation of the frantic preparations
                     aud the removal of tho armed bodies from our immediate neighbourhood.

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