Page 330 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 330

308             Part VIII—Chap. LXXlI*
                        28.  Tho Financo Comraittco in 1830 advertod to tho project in tho following words:
                                                   u As tho acquisition of the island in question would
                             Supra, paragraph 44.  probably bo attended with great oxpon so at all
                     events must bo preceded by considerable dolay, wo propojo that tho Agont should rcsido
                     at Bushiro.”
                         24.  On tho 10th September 1880 the Supremo Government wero obliged to remind
                                                   you thnt thoy had received no roply from you
                               Paragraphs-.          fjl0 tt|)OVO domand for information as to tho
                                                  espouses of Karrack.
                        25.  On tho 4th Deoembor 1830 you transmitted a etatomont of tho actual exponse of
                     tho two Residencies at Bussoruh and Bushiro, ami of what would bo tho expense of ono
                     establishment nt Karrack presenting a saving of 1150,820 per annum.
                        20. On tho 13th January 1881 tho Govoinor-Gcner.d announced to you that this was
                              p .                  only part of the information which you had been
                               orngrap i   .       required to furnish that you lmd stated only the
                     civil expenses, but tho heaviost item, tho military expenses aud those of buildings remained
                     yet to bo supplied.
                        27. You applied in conscquonco to Lieutenant Hcnnell, Assistant in charge of the
                     Reeidenoy in the Persian Gulf, to supply tho information which the Supreme Government
                     roquired. That Officer furnit-hed you a report under dato the 19th May 1831, exhibiting
                     tho result of his information and judgment, on tho subject. Tho immediate necessary
                     outlay on buildings he staled at Rl,03,330 and the annual oxpci’.se for troops ut
                     R2,03,000. This you transmitted to the Supreme Goverumeut uudor dato tho 26th
                     July following, as an estimate on which you relied.
                        2S. Tho Governor-General in acknowledging the receipt of this information meroly said
                     that “ it would be adverted to wheu the question regarding the occupation of Karrack  was
                     revived ” ; adding that he was in expectation of instructions from England, which would
                     embrace tho whole qu.’stion of the relations subsisting with Persia.
                        29.  You thus perceive tho result to which the question, as relates to Karraok, is brought.
                     You conclude that the occupation of the island might bo followcl, by a saving of half
                     a lao of rupees per annum in tho oivil expenses, but that it would bo atteuded by a mili­
                     tary expense of two laos por annum: that is to say, would entail an additional annual
                     expense of ono lac and a half of rupees ; besides tho immediate outlay of a luo of rupees
                     for buildings and.the aunual chargo which would afterwards be required for repairs. A greater
                     saving in tho civil expenses than that which you think might bo effected by tbe occupation
                     of Karrack, wo havo no doubt may bo effected without it, and the whole of tho militiry
                     exponse bo avoided. Aftor full consideration, therefore, we do not feel ourselves prepared
                     to give our consent to tho project respecting Karrack.
                        30.  Tho Resident at Bushire, alarmed by tho appearance of the plague at that place,
                     removed with his establishment to tho little Island of Corgo on tho I2th March 1832 and
                     returned to Bushire on the 29th June. You seem to think that there was abundant reason
                     for this proceeding and we are not sufficient judges of tho necessity of it here. It appears
                     to have been attended with considerable expense aud loss. You sanctioned the erection of a
                     stone building on the island and tho drawing of deputation allowance and baita, both by
                     the Resident and his establishment, during their absence from Bushire. The reason of this
                     last disbursement we do not see.
                        31.. During the absence of the Resident and Est»bli*hment the Resideuoy was robbed
                     and stripped, it would seem, of everything valuable which it contained. The amount of
                     loss is not ascertained. It is spoken of as not considerable, the must valuable things
                     having been taken away. It will have been your duty to obtain as accurate a statement
                     as possible of the particulars of the loss.
                         602. The views of the Bombay Govornment were expressed in the
                     following letter (No. 1246, dated 16th August 1834) to the address of the
                     Government of India:—
                                     No. 1246, dated Bombay Castle, tbe 16th August 1834.
                             From—W. H. Wathhk, Esq., Secretary to the Goverumeut of Bombay, Political Department,
                            To—The Officiating Chief Secretary to tho Government of India, Ootacamuud.
                        With reference to Mr. Chief Secretary Norris1 .letter of the 4th instant, I am directed by
                     the Right Honourable the Governor in Council to communicate to you, for the information
                     of His Excellency tbe Bight Honourable the Governor-General of India iu Council, tho senti­
                     ments of this Government on the arangement suggested by the Honourable the Court of
                    Directors in their despatch of the 26th February 1831, No. 4, for abolishing the Bushire
                        2. The Honourable Court in their despatch above quoted has decided thnt there shall he
                    no alteration in the policy hitherto pursued at Bushire, and most certainly estimates correctly
                    the duties to bo performed, but the Right Honourable the Governor in Council is of opinion
                    the proposal of converting the Resident into an Assistant to the Envoy of Persia is at variance
                     with such estimate.

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