Page 333 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 333

Part VIII—Ohap. LXXIII.         811
          to the situation of Resident in the Persian Gulf to ho vacated by Doctor
           McNeil in consequence of ordors from tho Hon’blo Court, directing that
          tho situation should bo conferred upon a Civil Servant.
              His 'allowances, as well as those for his Assistant, and tho Surgeon of the
          Rcsidonoy, were fixed as follows:—
               PorBonnl allowance?, which it is intonded shall cover Rs.  Rs.
                 nil oxpenscs                    .   . 2,600 per month*) 2,800
                Official Establishment               . •00   „ J
               Assistant .   ,                              n       600
               Surgeon   •   .                                      500
                                                           Total   8,800


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