Page 140 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 140
Messrs. Bucknall Brothers’ lines. The British India Mail Steamers called
■weekly and the Bombay and Persia once in three weeks from and for Bombay.
.Returns 0f sailing vessels under foreign flag wore not obtainable.
Freights to London ranged from 20 to 25 shillings per ton and to India
from 8 to 24 shillings per ton.
River.—The Euphrates and Tigris Steam Navigation Company continued
to run fortnightly to Bunder Nasri. This Company have a second steamer
available should trade increase.
Freights to Nasri about 10 and to Shushter about 18 shillings per ton.
Wheat.—Owing to partial character of the spring rains, the wheat crop
varied from total faUure to unusually good. Taking the orop as a whole, it
was an average one. Prices at Nasri ranged from 25 to 34 krans for 3J owts.;
the embargo, being strictly enforced at Nasri, caused prices at Mobammerah to
rise to 26 krans for 1} owt.
Prospects for nest c^op are excellent, and a larger area than usual has
been sown.
Dates.—The date crop was unusually large, and prices correspondingly
low, ranging from 7 to 12 krans per basket of 154 lbs.; a portion of the crop
remains for shipment.
Ghee.'— Ghee returned to its normal price in March.
Trade routes.
DizfiibEZ-.oremabad.—At the end of August the Governor-General of
Arabistan and Luristan made arrangements for securing the safety of caravans
between Dizful and Khoremabad, thus re-opening the direct route from the
Kaiun to the north of Persia which had been closed for some years owing to
the lawlessness of the tribes.
Ahiccz*Ispahan.—The principal bridge over the Karun on the new Ahwaz-
Ispahan mule road was finished on the 14th December, and this road is now
practically finished. It consists of 18 stages, but by doubling short stages of
12 miles can he done in 15 days.
The two routes from tho Karun are therefore now open, and an increase of
trade may he expected.
Dizful.—There wa$ a considerable increase in the caravan trade between
Dizful and Mohammerah..
The health of Mohammerah was fair; in October and November there
were a very few cases of cholera; but the disease did cot become epidemic.
Postal Service.
A.weekly postal service between Mohammerah and the interior of the
Province was re-established in July by the Persian Government. Letters for
Mohammerah should be addressed via Bombay and Persian Gulf to avoid