Page 157 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 157
1 II
A serious incident occurred on the 3rd December, when Shaikh Salroan-
bin-Dinij, a cousin of the Chief of Bahrein, and a person of iufluenco in Bah
rein, with his Bon and nephew and 23 followers, were attacked and murdered by
Bedouins belonging to the Bell ah section of the Almurrah tribe. The murder
took place on the main land, where the murdered Shaikh with his followers
had gone, in accordanco with his usual custom at this time of year, on a hunting
expedition. The incident was a cause of groat concorn to the Chief of
It i9 too early yet to write the history of the strugglo which has been in 5. Koweit one.
progress during the past few months between Shaikh Mubarak and the Amir WcJd-
of Nejd, and which has thrown this part of Arabia into turmoil. At one
time it seemed not improbable that fortune would favour Shaikh Mubarak,
and that he would succeed iu reinstating in Nejd Abdul Rahman-bin-Feysal, of
the Saud dynesty, the former rulers of the country. Up till the middle or
March no lighting of any importance had taken place, though it was known
that Shaikli Mubarak bad made his way far into the interior. Towards the
end of March, however, reports reached Bushire that Shaikh Mubarak had
experienced a decisive defeat. Details are not yet forthcoming.
I visited Koweit on two occasions during the year, and I had an interview
with Shaikh Mubarak on the first occasion. At the timo of my second visit
he was absent from Koweit. H.M.S. Sphinx bas also visited tbe place.
From reports which have reached the Residency, affairs in Persian e. Persian
A rah is tan appear to have been quiet during the year. His Royal Highness the Arab,stan-
Ain-ud-Dowlcb, who was Governor-General, proceeded to Tehran about the
end of December to spend “ Ramazan ” thore. He has since been appointed
Governor of Tehran, and ig succeeded by rtis Royal Highness Salar-ed-Dowleh
as Governor-General of Arabistan, Luristan, eto.
Towards ine end of May, the Bakhtyaris were building the Dupalan
bridge on the Ispahan road, and three Ispahan Kafilas had arrived at Aliwaz
with almonds and dried fruits for sale, and purchased goods for the return
journey. More caravans were said to be on (lie way, and a number of pilgrims
for Meshed travelled by the new route early in June.
His Royal Highness the Moayid-ud-Dowleli was Governor-General of Fars 7. pprs and
during the year. The Kowam-ul-Mulk appears to .have maintained fairly good per*ian Coast,
order among the Nomad tribes.
Nothing of particular interest occurred at Lingah during the year.
At Bandar Abbas, Lieutenant Hunt remained as British Vice-Consul
during the year. Trade at this port has greatly deolined during the year, tbe
reasons given being that the new trade route from Quetta via Nushki and
Seistan has diverted a good deal of the trade which used to find its way to
Bandar Abbas, and also that Russian imports into Khorassan have increased.
Shaikh Hassan, the Zabit of Kishm, has been removed and was succeeded by
Shaikh Abdulla.
Mr. Whitby-Smith, Director, Persian Gulf Telegraphs, who is in political 8. Persian
charge of the Makran Coast, visited the Coast in November last. It had been Balucbistao«
arranged through Major Sykes, His Britannic Majesty’s Consul at Kerman, that
a Persian official should meet him at Charbar to inquire into, and, if possible,
effect a settlement of tbe numerous outstanding claims of British subjects,
The official left Kerman, but did not go any further than Bampur. whence be
returned to Kerman. *
Twelve slaves took refuge in the Busliire Residency during the year, and 0. Slav©
were, after the customary correspondence with the Persian authorities, granted Trada-
their freedom. Three of them were, at their own request, sent to Zanzibar
and the remainder stayed in Bushire where they were able to find employment!
Three piratical outrages took place within the Gulf during the yeaf, onlyio. Firtoie*
one of which was of a really serious nature, a Bahrein boat which was engaged *nd diiturb*
in pearl.fisl.in5 off Ras Tanura, near Katif, being attacked by robbera from *n0<’* “* "**
JJara.n in lurkish territory, and property of tbe value of Rs. 8,924 beine
carried off. The case was reported %to the Turkish authorities, who arrested
some of the robbers and obtained tbe restoration of a portion of tbe stolea