Page 242 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 242
Freight.—Freight to London rangod from 27t. Cd. to 80a., to Marseilles
from 355. to 40*., nnd to India from 10s. to 185. per ton. «
Cargo between Bandar Nasri (Ahwaz) and Europo can now bo shipped on
a through Bill of Lading.
Fiver.—The Euphrates and Tigris Stoam Navigation Company continued
to run a fort-nightly steamer to Bandar Nasri. In January a bargo was taken
above the rapids at Ahwaz to bo towed by the steamer running between that
place nnd Shushter, which doubled her carrying oapacity.
Freight from Mohammcrah to Nasri is about 85., 125. and 155. per ton,
according to description of goods.
Caravan routos. AJncaz-Ispahan.—Traffic on the mule-road from Ahwaz to Ispahan haa
fairly commenced. Goods from Europe and India being forwarded, and
opium, modder roots, gum Tragacanth, tobacco, almonds and other products
received. The rate from Ahwaz to Ispahan in April and May was 15. \d. to
Is. lie/. (Krans 2’75 to 3) por Shushtor maund of 15£ lb., and gradually rose to
from Is. 3%d. to Is. Gtf. (Krans 8-i to 4) in November and December, when most
of the local mules are engaged in ploughing. The rate from Ispahan to
Ahwaz was 8d. to Is. (Krans 1*80 to 2*75) per Shah inaund of 13 lbs.
The caravans generally are 20 to 23 days on the journey, but it can be
done in 15 days.
Dizful-Khoremabad.—The Dizful-Khoremabad route to the north was
open till November, when robberies by the tribes again made it unsafe for
Agriculture. Wheat.—'The crop of wheat was a fair average one, but as export and sale
to merchants was prohibited, no legitimate trade was possible on the Karun.
A portion of the crop was conveyed by land to sea coast for shipment, as in
former years. Prices at Nasri ranged from 125. to 14s. (Krans 32 to 38) per
maund of 3$ cwts.
Prospects for the next harvest ore not good owing to failure of the usual
winter rains.
The date crop was above average but smaller than 1899. Owing to
an unusually dry summer the dates were deficient in syrup. Prices 5s. 8d.
(Krans 15) per maund of 1£ cwts.
Ghee.—Clarified butter, which bad fallen to 25. por 6 lb. in April, a lower
price than bad been touched for three years, in December owing to failure of
rain had doubled in price. The price of this article is the clearest indication
of the amount of fodder and consequent state of the flocks and herds.
Health. The health of Mohammerah was good, with no epidemic disease.
17. mcdouall,
His Britannic Majesty*8 Vice-Consul^