Page 246 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 246

                                                                                          ^ •
                                         Importi into Mohammerah— concluded.

                      Principal article* end principal   1890.   1899.            1900,
                      countries from which Imported,
                                           Quantity.  Value,  Quantity.  Value,  Quantity.  ▼alee.

                                                       £               £                £
                       India .   ,   ,     3S8J cwts.   1.424  654J cwts.   1.353  1,017 certs.
                       Pereiau Gulf Ports •  10 „v     •10   6t „       17            Ml
                   Thbbad akd Tivibi—
                      Great Britain •   •   39 cw. 7   150   61 cwts.   193
                      India                 297 J „  1,303  3321 „    1,460  473 ciTts.  2.386
                      India .               600 oases  160  400 cases  136  3,200 case.  1,600
                   Matbbial bob datb oasis—
                      Austria •   • a                      6,994 pkgn.  6,026  6,115 pkgs.  3,322
                    Ml8C*LLA2!BOCB —
                       Great Britain •               3,409            1,226   • ••     2.491
                      India • ,                      4,007            3,679            7.398
                      Austria • •            S M       91             1,692            1,605
                       France •                                         25              339
                       Turkish Arabia                 638              077              166
                       Persian Gulf Ports •          1,428            2,002            2,22s
                       Jeddah •                                                         20
                              Total «               156,429          202,492         281,570

                       Basrah •   .   •      • ••     733             • ••    • ••      174
                       Persian Golf Ports •  • ••    • M              5,400             110

                          GRAND TOTAL .             167,162          207,692  • •o   291,854

                                Imported into Molavnnerah and transhipment to Katun ports.

                                         189 S.             189S.               1900.
                    Total Tains of Imports
                   from principal countries.
                                 Mohaamenh.  Karen.  Total.  Xohammerab.  Karon.  Total.  Mohammerah.  Kama.  Total.

                                    £       £    £      £      £     £     £       £    £

                   Orest Britain   68,669   226  64,095  74,189    74,189  118,820    118,630
                   Aden            13,074   IH  13,074  20,181     20,181  43,8*0      43,840
                   India           79,841   86,990  116,834  87,032  30449  117,181  69,442  43/J52  132,404
                   Austria         ' 811         111   7,846        7,845  6,727       6,727
                   Francs           6,691  8,688  9,879  9,862  6,462  16,824  16,763  11,319  28.071
                   Torkej           1,666  8,602  6,168  1,727  1.717  3,444  216  630  744
                   Persian Golf Ports   1,974  #•#  1,074  2,166    2,166  2,606  sss  2,606
                   *17F*                  1,000  1,000  • ••  2.707  2,707  4447  4401  8,440
                   Jsddah                        Ml     •••                  20          20

                    OBASD TOTAL e  166,429  44,406  200,885  202,491  41,036 ! 248,627  281,670  69,194  840,764
   241   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251