Page 251 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 251
As a contrast to tlio security of llio Quetta road, tho main caravan routes
between Bandar Abbas and Yezd and Kerman have been more than usually
insecuro during the year, On more than one occasion the road bas been
practically blocked for a time. The risk and hopelessness of obtaining redress
or compensation for losses must inevitably tend to divert traffic to other
channels whore this is at all practicable.
(d) Embargo or cereals.—Tho embargo upon cereals docs not affect this
port greatly iu comparison with ports in a position to tap the corn-growing
countries of the Karun and Turkish Arabia; but, the harvest having been
a good one and there having been a large shortage in production in India, there
is no doubt that, but for the embargo, there would have been a considerable
increase in the export of food-grains as compared with former yoars.
(e) Males of Aire.—The rates for carriage up-country fluctuated greatly
during tho year. From 18 * tomans
(180 krans) per load of 900 lb. to Yezd
in the summer it rose to 56 y tomans at
f Re. 160.
the end of October and beginning of
November. At this time, owing to the prohibitory rates, many consignments
of merchandise were diverted to Bushire, and the imports thus decreased. A
combination of merchants was successful
x Fs. 62-13.8.
in forcing down the rates to 22 % tomans
by the end of November, after which to the end of the y°ar they fluctuated
between that figure and 28 § tomans.
5 Re. SO.
The high rates were due principally to the
scarcity of transport. The exports having declined to half those of the previous
year, fewer animals came down with loads to the coast, whereas there was not
a proportionately great decrease in imports and the consequent demand for
carriage up-country.
Rupee exchange Las fluctuated from 3J to 3£ krans ; but for tho greater Exchange,
part of the year it remained fairly steady at 3-1- krans.
The last figure is equivalent to a rate of 52-J krans per £1 sterling.
Specie to the amount of Rs. 2,82,377 was imported during the year, chiefly Specie,
from Karachi; while exports of specie amounted to a total of Rs. 1,08,4.79,
most of which went to Bombay,
The total tonnage of vessels that put in at and cleared from the port of Shipping.
Bandar Abbas was 140,904. and 147,218, respectively, a respective increase of
63,7*4 and 47,838 tons over the figures for the preceding year.
Assistant Me si dent and His Britannic
Majesty"s Vice-Consul.
Bandar Abbas;
The 14th March 1901.