Page 266 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
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                  from tho samo ports to Egypt and tlio Levant, and tho Austrian ship Calypoc
                  took 400 tons iQ December last for Suez, Port Said, and Alexandria at Its. 28-2
                  per ton.
                       It is difficult for freight steamers to approach tbo two ports mentioned ;
                  but if it is dosired to participate in tbo carriage of this cargo, arrangements
                  may bo made with the shippers to bring it alongside tho vessel outsido tbo
                   territorial waters of Bahrein.
                       Shipping.—Formerly the compilers of tho returns for Bahrein showed all
                  steamers calling at tho port as cleared and entered; consequently tho figures
                  given were twico tho actual quantity. This error has been rectified in tbo
                  returns for the year under report.
                       All steam vessels touching at Bahrein during 1900 carried tho British flag,
                  except one ship which flew the Austrian colours.

                                                               J. CALCOTT GASKIN,
                                                              Political Assistant, Bahrein.
                        Bahrein ;
                  Tho 27th January 1901.
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