Page 270 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 270
Statement ehoicing the Total Value of Principal Articles exported from the Port of Bahrein
during the yean 1898t 1899t and 1900—continued.
1W3. 1699. 1000.
Principal Article* and principal
countilc* to which ei ported.
Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value.
R«. Ra. Re.
Pboviaions —
India . , 75 cwii. 3,315
Turkey . . 163 cwta. 7,290 1SI cwte. 7.605 156 „ 6,850
Mask at . . 05 „ 4,270 122 „ 5.115 186 „ 8.370
Persian Ports . CO „ 2,700 C3 ,, 2,865 82 „ 3,720
Sugar (loaf and soft) —
Turkey . . . 2.0S0 cwts. 27.010 1,870 cwts. 27,105 1,600 cwta. 21,000
Persian Porta . • 76 „ 9S0 83 „ 1,275 00 n 840
Turkoy . . 610 6S5 • •• 700
Limes (dry)—
Tarkey . 126 cwta. 2,710 112 cwta. 3,360 00 owta. 3,2-10
Other sorts of Provisions—
Turkey . 33,300 29,930 31,000
Arab Com! 410 465 610
Turkey . 60 CO 95
India 128 cwta. 616
Other sorts of seeds—
Tnrkoy • . • 9Tt 1,820 1,605 1,745
8habk Fiks—
India • . • , 675 cwta. 15,530 580 cwta. 12,705 316 cwta. 8,820
Shells (Motiieb-o'-Peabi)—
United Kingdom • * . 75 cwi. 2,103
India • . . , 3,200 cwts. 33,600 2,750 cwta. 22,695 1.091 „ 0,425
Germany . 3,099 „ 32.420
Persian Porta • • , 6,450 cwte. 77,720 6,450 cwta. 45,210 11,656 „ 71,785
Silk (Raw)—
•Jurkej . 1,280 lbs. 10,210 1,020 lb. 9,180 1,160 lb. 13,075
Arab Coast • • , II H 90 16 *. 135 10 „
Persian Porta . . • 18 * 140 29 „ 240 25 „ 265
Silk, tf akukacxubes oj—
Silk Piece-goods- 14,380
Turkey . 1,050 pieces 10,500 965 pieces 10,845 1,170 pieces 2,700
225 „
Arab Coast S00 „ 2,100 245 „ 2.036 162 „ 1,620
Persian Ports • 140 „ 1,260 131 „ 1,665
Silk Apparel— 140 pieoes 3,640
Turkey • 113 pieces 2,630 127 pieces 8,166
Sucks— 680ewta. 23,800
Tarkey . 705 ewta. 22,200 643 cwts. 21,180 20 7 00
Amb Coast 1® * 600 14 * 495 23 * 806
Persian Ports • 27 „ 850 18 „
Tallow— 278 cwts. 6,950
Turksy • • 225 cwta. 3,600 208 carts. 4,005 75 1,676
Persian Ports , 68 „ 930 71 » 1*365
Tixbik akd Woop—
Planks and Beams— 7,880 ••• 7,100
Turkey • • • M 7,160 2,445 • •• 1,066
Persian Ports * ••• 2,160
Baftere— 9,800 pieces 6,375 8,000 pieces 1,700
Tu _urkey • • 9,300 pieces 6,550 286 „ 490
Persian Ports • ••• •H • •• • 4