Page 324 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 324
TABLE No. 0.
Statement showing the Total Value of Principal Article! imported into the Port of Linaah
during the yean 1809, 1000, and 1001.
1609. 10OJ. 1901.
IMnrlptl article* and principal
couttiic* (rum which Imported.
Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value.
Re. Ra. Ha.
Masqat • 10 bead 300 •10 bead 1,200 25 bead 750
Arab Coast 16 „ 450 60 „ 1,500 40 „ 1,200
Ar*b Coast • • 20 bead 1,000
• •9
Turkey . 6 * 250
Other torts of animals—
Turkoj . 3 bead 120 8 bead 320 6 „ 250
Appjlbel (vteabiuo)—
India ... 1,600 pieces 6,000 2,000 pieces 8,000 4,000 pieces CO,000
Mask at . • • 100 „ 900 200 „ COO
Persian Ports • • 4 CO ,, 1,200 — 200 pieces 600
Abus ixd Am m cm now—
Alaskat . 21 Nos. 2,520
Books and PaiKTED
India • 20 cases 4,005 56 cases 11,200 40 eases 8,000
BriLPiwo Matebials—
Persian Ports • 0,000 tons 12,000 8,600 tons 17,000 12,000 tons 24,000
India 150 cases 1,030 200 esses 1,400 180 cases 1,260
Corps e—
India * 4,500 ctvts. 1,12,600 4,000 cwla. 1,00,000 3,600 evts. 90,000
Con asp Coib Rope—
India • • • • SOQ cwts. 9,COO 1,200 esrts. 14.-100 1,600 esrts. 18,000
Whiti and Qrty Shirtings— 1,90,000
ludia • • • • 200 bales 84,990 300 bales 1,27,500 700 bales
Prints— 1,30.000
India • • • . 320 bales 96,000 400 bales 1,20,000 600 bales
Dyed Shirtings—
India • • • • 250 bales 1,24,995 275 bales 1,37.600 290 bales 1,45,000
Otlsr sorts of cotton piece-
goods— 1*81,400
India . • . • 450 bales 2,26,000 600 bales 8,00.000 842 bales 20,000
Persian Ports • • . 79 * 31,600 J50 . 60,000 60 „
Cottow (*aw)— SOOesrta. 4,600
India • • • • 600 esrts. 7,600 400 esrts. 6,000 1,000
Persian Ports • • • 60 ,, 1,200 CO m 2,000 60 „
Yarn and Twist— 1,164 cwts. 68,200
India • • • • 351 esrts. 17,650 625 esrts. 26.260
Dates— 3.000 esrts. 13.000
Torkey • 19,800 cwti. 09.000 10.000 cwts. 40.000 6.000 „ 16.000
Maskat • • 6,000 * 21.000 6.000 * 21.000 4,000
Bahrein • • 3,000 „ 16,000 2.000 „ 8,000 1.000 m 16,000
6.000 *
Persian Porte « efioo ff 26,460 8,000 „ 28,000
Didos aud Hxdicivkb—
Quinine- 3,500 ••• AflOO
India • • • ff# 1,005 •##