Page 322 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 322

38.        ADMINISTRATION report on the Persian gulp political

                     Statement ah owing the Total Value of Principal Articles exported from the Port of Linoah
                                     during the years 1899, 1900, and 1901—continued.
                                                 16M.            l&OO             1801,
                        Principal article* and principal
                        couutrin to which exported.
                                            Quandt?.  Value.  Qunullty.  Value.  Qaantlty.  Valo*.

                     SlLE, Makufictcbbs OF—            Ri.             Ra.              R«.
                                     con til.
                      Silk Apra  rcl—
                          . ^on«t
                        A mb Coi                      1,200            1.00)           1.600
                        rcraian Porta                  810              iOO             6C0
                     Sficbb —
                        Market               CO cwts.   1,800  40 cwta.   1.201  25 cwta.   750
                        Arab Coast          450 „    13,500  250 „     7,500  1.0 X) „   20.000
                        Persian Porta       150 „     •1,500  00 ,,    2,70)  60 „     1,800
                        Mnsknt •   .         30 cuts.   450   25 cwta. I  375
                        Arab Coast .        200 „     3.000   1.600   22,500  700 cwta   10.500
                        Persian Porta        5‘) „     750   30 „       450   25 „      375
                     Timbeb akd Wood—
                      Plank* and Beam*—
                        Turkoj                            !            4,000
                        Mnskat                         390             1600
                        Arab Coast                    4.500 :          0,000           8,600
                        Persian Porta .               2,520 .          1,500           1,000
                        Turkey .     •*               3,990 j          6,0,10          lO/XO
                        l'ahrein   .                                   1,20)           2,600
                        Arab Coast                                     1,000           1,900
                        Persian Ports .               5,010            4.OO1)          6.000
                        India               501 cuts.   5.010  2,000 cwts. I  20.0 V)   000 cwts.  ,
                        Turkey .            GOO „     0.000           3t»,«>io:  5,0:0  ,.  50,0= K)
                        Bahrein .   .       200 ,.    4.9.5  250   !   0,250 |   350  „   •  5,2-.0
                        Peisian Ports .  * I  IO) „   1,500  o'»        750 |   05  J    7S0
                        India                         2,175            8.000
                        Arab Co art                    510             1.400  1        1,000
                     Woollen Goods—
                        India .   .   .      15 b<Ha.  15,001 !   30 bdls.   20.00.•   50 bdlr.   60,000
                        Tuikej •   •         45 •*   45.010 |   60 „  50.090   00 „    60,000
                        Bahrein ...          5 H      5.010   6 ..     6.001   10      10,000
                        Arab Coast   .   •   4 „      4.C05 !  3 w     3,00)   « ..    e.000
                      Persian Cloak* (Abba*)—             1
                        Arab Coast                        !                            3/00
                        Persian Porta •                                                2.600
                      Other sort* qf Woollen              i
                       Goods—                             I                            2,000
                        Persian Porta  •   •          3,000 |          4.000
                    Specie—                                          3.26.000        '3,00,000
                       India .                      4.50,COO                          1,00/00
                       Turkey •                      49.500 I         70/00            25,000
                       Ma«kat .                       4,9*0           12/00            8,000
                       Bahrein .                      19.500                         23,00.000
                       Arab Coast                   20.01,000       18,00/00          2,00,000
                       Persian Porta .             ! 1/0,500 ;       1.25.000
                    AeTICLF.S *01 SPECIFIED                                        1
                      ABOVE—                                           4.000           .2.600
                        India .          I            8,235            6,700           2,000
                       Turkey •                       5,605                             1.800
                        Market .                      4.4m5            3.600            1/00
                        Zanzibar                      3,496 I                           1/00
                                                   1                   2 POO
                        Bahrein .                     4.785 !          7/CO             4.000
                        Arab Cce»t                    4,690            6,700   • M
                        Persian Porta                 7,200
                      Tor at or an Abticlvb        ! 82,79.776      70/2,076
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