Page 318 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 318

31          administration neroaT on the Persian gulf political.

                                                   TABLE No. 5.

                     Statement showing the Total Value of Principal Article• exported from the Port of Lingah
                                          during the years 1899, 1900, and 1901,         J
                                                 1809.           1POO.            1001.
                       Prlnctpil nr.Icln »nd principal
                        couutrlca to which iipvrtcd.
                                           Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value,

                                                       Re.             Re.             n».
                       Persian Port* •      12 Lend    360

                    Caw as (sail cloth)—
                       India •             200 cwts.   S.010  250 cwls.  10,000  350 cwts.   11,000
                       Turkoy . •           50 „      1,995                  100 „     4-0<X)
              •   •        40 „      1,590  75 cwts.   ’3.010  -6 *   1,000
                       Arab Coast •        300 H     12,000  225 ,,   9.000  200 „     8,000
                       Persian Ports .     100 *      4,005  50 „     2.000   23 „     1,120

                       Arab Const           COO head  2,400  300 head  1,200  200 head  800

                       Turkey •            200 cwts.   5,010  120 cwts.   2.500
                       Ma«kat .            ICO „      2,505  60 „     1.250   25 cuts.   625
                       Arab Coast .       3,000 „    75,000  2,500 „  02.500  2.S3S „   70,950
                       Persian Ports .     400 1,    10,020  m a.     2,000   bO „     2/.-03

                    Con asd Cois Eope —
                       Mask at .            50 cwts.   GOO   75 cwts.   900
                       Arab Coast          350 „      4.200  400 „    4.500  2G0 cwts.   3,m
                       Persian Ports .     100 „      1.200  125 „    1.500   20 „      240
                    Cotio.x Pi ece*gooi>8—
                      lVhite and Grey shirtings—
                       Turkey •   .   .     10 bales   6,000   5 bales -  3,000        • •t
                                                                              10 bales
                       Maskat .   .   .   ,  15 „     9,000   20 „ :   1,2'X)  100 „
                       Arab Coast           70 ..    42,«KX)   125 * :   75,000       50.000
                       Persian Ports   •   .   .  25 „  15,000  32 „  19,200  18       9,000
                       Turkey .   •          5 bales   1A00
                       Mnskat »             13 „      3,COO   5 bales !   1,600      1,00,000
                       Arab Coast •        140 „     42,000   200 „ |   60,000  200 bales   5,000
                                                                              10 „
                       Persian Ports •      25        7,500  20 *     6,000
                     Dyed shirtings—                               l
                       Turkey .              4 hales   2,010
                       Maskat .             10 w      6,025   5 bales   2.600  120 bales   60.000
                       Arab C:*st •         69 *     34,996  86 „     42,500  20 *    10,000
                       Persian Ports •      20 „     10,050  26 „     12.600
                     Other sorts <tf eotton piece*
                       Tarkey •   •   .     20 bales   9,990  30 bales :  15,000  20 bales   8,000
                       Maxkat »   •   •   •  35 „    17,490  25 „     12,600  20 „    90/XXJ
                       Arab Coast •         170 „    85,0*45  225 „ ' 1.121W0          10,000
                       Persian Porta •   •   •  W „  19.995  76 l ' 3o/m      26 n
                    Corro* (saw)—                                                      4,760
                       Arab Coast .         600 owts.   7.600  300 cwts.   4,500   850 owts.  1,001
                                                                              60  ,1
                       Persian Porta .      160 „     2,260  100 *     1,600
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