Page 314 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 314
Statement showing the Total Value of Principal Articles imported into the Port of Bushirt
during the yean 1899, 1990, and 1901—continued.
I8i». iwo. 1901.
Ip*l article* and principal
CO u u trie* from which Imported.
Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Q'tautlty. Vila*.
Its. It*. Rs.
S.'lvibytarb axd Jewel*
United Kingdom , •I cnee* 13,000 .»• 80.160
India . 8,333 11,680
Germany . 1,01.701 it.
Austria . 12.000 2.000
Torkoy . . . 2 cases 33.760
China . 5 „ 10,003 C25 3.000
Persian Porta . 6 8,000
Sfices —
India . . 3,246 cwts. 30,793 3,032 cwts. 36,021 3,777 cwLj. 47.812
China . , 15 „ 190
Persian Porta . 2 cwts. 30 15 ,i 190
United Kingdom 7 cwts. 210
India . . 67G cwts. 18,930 561 cwta. 15,428 1.800 „ 50,400
Persian Porta , 2 GO
Black Pepper—
India 6,103 cwts. 93.390 4,505 cwta. 75.450 2,749 cwta. 73,074
Persian Porta • 2 „ 30 8 »» 133
Other sorts of spices—
India • 1,003 ewts. 20.0,10 874 cwts. 21,294 430 ca t a. 18.295
Turkey . 5 , 105
Persian Porta . 16 * 103
Stationebt —
United Kingdom 102 j»kjr«. 17.910 149 cases 21,300 302 cases 40.300
India • . 121 •» 17.335 202 20,73) 187 23,630
France • • 5 450 8 „ 800 1 »• 4<>>
Germany 22 ,. ! 2.203 4 „ 210 25 „ 2,000
Austria . 22 2.-05 56 „ 2.740 01 6,10)
Tnrkoy . • 12 .. 1 1,360
Ejrjpt . 3 ,. 450
China • 6 pkgs 510 4 ,H$cS 400 : ii „ 1,100
Belgium 4 »» 400
Holland . 11 r, 1,10)
Persian Porta 1 pkg. 105 1 ca?e 150 I 9 .. 1,100
Loaf- 17,200
United Kingdom 140 cwts 1,860 90 cwts. 1,'30 1.075 cwta.
Iodia • • 11.049 „ 1,46,955 > 4,161 „ 06,576
France • 45.040 „ 6,99.040 76,907 cwta. 12,93,054 73,102 „ 11,69,610
Austria • 714 „ 9.495 499 ., 8.483 11 .. 167
Egypt . 7»6 „ 10,440 2,270 „ 36,320 750 „ 12.0 *0
Belgium • 61 .. 867
Persian Porta 143 cwts 1.905 60 cwts. 840 11 „
Soft- 61,698
United Kingdom 4,367 cwts 49.785 45,782 cwU 6,03,602 4,418 ca lf- 6,06.846
India • • 89,494 „ 4,61,786 38,604 „ 4,23.304 65,041 „
France • • 875 „ P»,005 1,300 „ 14,300 600 cwta. o’,COO
Germany • 82,934
Austria • • 2,642 cwts. 31,065 9,192 cwta. 1.01,112 2,994 * 22
2 „
Turkey • • 44
4 fi
Egypt . 176 cuts 2,010 314 cwts. 8,464 200 „ 2,200
Belgium •
Sngareandy— 625 cwts. 10,500
United Kingdom 68 „ 1,170
India • • 61 cwta. Ifi 20 7,350 „ 1,47,000
Persian Porta • ••
XU— U39 cwta 88,182 306 cwts 46.612
United Kingdom 499 cwla. 31,140 14.962 „ 9,76,824
India • • 13,ICG „ 7,05,456 11,087 „ 6,81,741 9 „ 1,444
g ranoe • • • •• 26 ,, 8,876
Germany • 380
2 M
Turkey . 2,032 „ 1,06,604
China . - 1,213 cwts 1,66,286 1,367 cwts. 1,88,646 17 „ 1,120
Farsi an Porta • 63 oat*. 3,346 17 „ 2,346