Page 315 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 315


        S/a/nnent Voicing the Total Value of Principal Article imported into the Port of Buihire
                         during the yean 18U0, VJOO, and 1001—contiuacd.
                                   1600.*           1000.            1001.
          Prlodr«l article* rHnclr»l
           couuUif* from whlib Imported.
                              Quantity.  Value?  Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.

                                         Its.            Rs.              Re.
        'imiikii and Wood—
         planks and Beams—
           India •   •       14,29-1 pieces   62,910  7,230 pieces  48,190  •1,533 pieces   39.214
           Turkey .          2,680 „     3,300                  201 cases  1,704
           Mask at .          4,tXW     2,130            • ••
           Poisinn Ports      1.8UO  „  7,170  312 pieces  ■1,680
           India                                80 pieces  80   620 pieces  820
           Zanzibar          28,000 pieces  10,800  16,0o0 n  12,0(0 21,000 „  24,000
           United Kingdom      32 cases  8.605
           India ...         f  3 -       556  }
                               7 bags
           Turkey   .   •     12 „        165   10 bags   170
           Egypt .             1 lag      16
           Persian Ports        #»•             •13 pkgs.  731   43 bago   711
         Manufactures of Tobacco—
           United Kingdom      14 cases  5.S80  230 cases   61.815  36 cases   10,880
           India               27 „ I   8,370   30 „     10,786  29 „     8,000
           Fiance ...           1 case    270    5 r,    1,520            1,935
           Germany              7 oases  2,790  2 ..      840    3 ” »»    900
           Austria .            6 „     2,520   16 w     5,540   • ••
           Egypt .              1 caso    270   11 ..    2,970   2 ca»e a   510
           Persian Porta •   •                                   1 case    420
        Watchrs and Clocks—
           United Kingdom .    16 casoa   11,505  41 cases   16,314  39 cases  19,630
           India ...           11       •1.095  18 „     6,640   21 n    10,359
           France ...                                            U ..     4,760
           Germany •   •        3 cases 1  840                   5 ..     2,540
           Austria ...          6 *     1,710   25 cases   9,760
           Persian Ports •   .                  1 case    150    1 case   3,00*i
           India                                                  3 c«is.   75
           Turkey .           1,500 cwtsJ   3<j000
           Persian Ports      1,917 „   42,420   67 cwts  2,105  639 carts.  10,976
        Woollbh Goods—
           India •             40 pkgs. !  6C.86t  30 pkgs.   45.063  21 pkga   43,460
           Austria •                      810    3 „     1.600   11 „     5.500
           Turkey .                     2,206                             • ••
           Tertian Pons                 4.410                    Spfcga.  3,000
         Broad-cloth and other Wool-
           ten Piece-goods—
           United Kingdom   •  69 pkgs.  68.650  77 pkgs.   69,300  129 pkgs.   77.400
           India hP„ .   .   . .  7 „   6,955   U       12.600   3 n      1,800
           France «...         37 „     31,455  26 *    23.400   »7 ^    58,200
           Germany              6 H     4,260  124 „   1,11,600  86 *     61,600
           Austria .  •   .  f'#  29 *  24,660  49 .     44*100  84      20.400
           Holland •    •   .                                    1 pkK*    600
           Persian Ports .   .                                   16 pkgs.
                                1 P^S-    855    •••                      9,000
         Other manufactures of
           United Kingdom ,    76 pkgs.  17,505  39 pkga.   9,000  66 pkgs.  12.160
           India |Rf$   %  .    7 .     2,355   18 „     3,600
           France .   .  .                                       A H      1,000
          Germany    ,  .       2 pkga.  • M 510  6 pkga.   i.’oso  « *•  1,200
                                                                 8 ..
           Austria .   ,  ,                               400              760
                                                1 P^g-
           Persian Porta   .  ,  • ••   **a     12 pkga.  12,000  i pkg-  1,000
          United Kingdom              8,80.576        24,10,460        30,00,000
          India S« •            • ee    15,720         1«61.117
          Turkey •   ,          • tt   1,66.310        1,73,330   IM     19,448
                                                                 • ••
          Maakat 0   ,                 21.600            2,700          9,60,926
          Bahrein ,                     7.200                    •H       3,700
          Poralan Porte .       •••   2,17,260         1.30/167  • ••   3,17,587
                                                                         * 9
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