Page 310 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 310
Statement showing the Total Value of Principal Articles imported into the Port of Bushin
during the years 1S99, 1900, and 1502—continued.
1809. 1000. 1001.
Principal articles »»4 principal
conuirlca from which in. ported.
Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Qaantity. Value.
lln. Rd. R*.
Gold Lack & Tubead—eontd.
Gold embroidered cloth—
United Kingdom 4 oases 6,000 1 cose 1,500
India 1 case 1,600 5 „ 7.500 2 cases 2,000
France . 2 Ci-ea 3,000 1 case 1.500
Austria . . 1 case 1.5m) ’i’,500
Turkey . . • 2 cases 3,000 1 caso
J r heat—
India . • 736 cwts. 2,455
Persian Ports . 224,000 cwts. 8,10,000 300,000 cwta. 10,50,000 10,000 „ 60,000
India 150 cwts. 5C0
Persiau Ports . 150,065 cwta. 6.50,100 225.000 cwts. 4,50,000 8,000 „ 32,000
India 1,634 ewts. 27,465 7,076 cwts. 56,656 9,433 cwts. 76,243
Turkey . 1,314 „ 9,630
Persian Porta • 4 cwts. 36
Other sort* oj Grata, etc.—
India . . . . 387 cwts, 2,595 583 cwts. 3,890 970 cwts. 3,240
Turkey . . . . 2.926 „ 18,705 800 ,, 2,400 1,201 „ 7.205
Persian Ports . . . 331 ,. 2,310 bOO „ 12.COO
HJlEBDASHEBY— 9 cases 2.200
United Kingdom 5 cases 2,010 14 cai=es 3,320 165 „ 49,Su)
India • 93 „ 29,100 134 „ 40,200 3S0
F ranee . . 5 „ 400 2 , l,00o
Germany • 5 cases 870 6 .. 480 7 w
Austria . • 15 „ 4,500
Persian Porta • 4 „ 1,200
Habdwabf. and Cutlbbt —
Hard ir art— 254 pkgf. 44.790
United Kingdom 114 pkga. i>,7cC 152 pkgs. 30,450 1.437 „ 73.490
India • 1.050 „ 62.965 ! l.*09 „ 21,000 87 „ 24,400
France . 32 „ 6.255 . 102 „ 93 „ 14,702
Germany W „ 4,710 8 „ 1,700 42 „ 7,050
Austria . 12 2,5 SO 24 „ 120 1 pkg. 500
Turkey . 1 pkg. 105 6 .. 600
America 1 pkg. 12 pkgs. U00
China . • 4 „ 2,000
Belgium • 31 „ 5,800
Holland • . • 22 3,300
Japan 100 1 pkg. 200
Persian Porte . 10 pkgs. 1,005 1 pkg.
Cutlery— 1,800 3 eases 1,500
United Kingdom 4 cases 1,200 6 cases 20,200 04 * 32,000
Indin 71 „ 21,300 64 *
Gunny l/ags— 84 case* 6.720 39 balsa 3,900
United Kingdom . • 919 bales 70.280 830 „ 31.600
India • • • < 236 Idles. 22,125 2 200
Germany • ■"eon
Turkey • • l Idle. 90 6 bales
Belgium • • 49 bules 3,920 22 * 2.20U
Persian P*»r1s • •
Other sorts of Jute Manu
facture — 41 pkga. 2,050 53 pkgs. 10.662
United Kingdom . 4 pkga. 390 806 44,642 24 „ 1.508
India , i . • 106 „ 25.020 • •• 2 „ 124
Germany 140 M*
Austria • • • • 1 pkg« 8 pkseis 400
Turkey • • • 0 pkgs. 300 1 pkg. 50
Persian Ports « • • aaa aaa