Page 305 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 305


            c/nfswmt showing the Total Value of Principal Articles exported from the Pori of Bushire
                           during the gears 1800, 1000t and 1901—continued.
                                      1809.           1000.            1001.
              Principal article* and principal
              couulrlci lo which ciporUu.
                                 Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Vnlne.
                                            Rs.             Ra.              Rs.
           Silk (raw)—
              India .             146 bdla.  51,150  52 bdls.   20.050
              Turkey •            20 „      7,036  28 ..   30.000
              Egypt •             26 „      9,150  8 „     11,260   • M
              India •              8 cwts.   120   30 cwts.   610  81 cwt8.   1,630
              Franco .                     •«*    115 „     1,955  20 „       .520
              America                             533 „     9,001  30 „       <100
              Turkey •            782 cwts.   11.730  1,683 „   26,911  5.501 „   1,10,020    I
              Egypt •            3,654 „   64,810  14,807 „   2,51.719  9,325 „   1,86,500     s
              Malta •             48 „       720  130 „     2,142  350 „    7,00C
              Cyprus ,            78 „      1,170  573 „    9,741  329 „    0,580
              Bahrein •                            a „        34
              Persian Ports        76 cwts.  li50O  171 „   2,907  60 ctvt8.  1,000
              Unitod Kingdom     1,797 cwts.   38,340  1,563 cwts.   33,344  4,405 cvrta.   96,910
              India •   •        1,485 „   31,770  75 „     1,600  231 „    5,082
              France •   •        45 *       990
              Germany                             141 cwto.  3,008
            Woollen Goods—
              United Kingdom      168 pkgs.  1,50.690  683 pkg*.  5,30,621  37  pkgs.  58.400
              India .   ,         18  99   16,110  29  99  40.368  38  „    60,800
              France •   •                         32  >r  41,514   1  pkg.   1.600
              Germany   .         15 pkgs.   1*3,455                4 pkgs.  5,600
              Austria .   .        6 r      5.370
              Turkey .            74   „   66,376  22 pkgs.   30,624  9*1 pkga.   1,4*5, COO
              EgT?t .             260 „   2,24,265  163  n  2,33,856  182 H  2.S8.SOO
              Belgium   •                          1 pkg.   1,392
              Maskat •   •                         1        1,392   2 pkgs.   *3^200
              Zanzibar   .                            99            1 pkg.    800
              Persian Porta .      10 pkgs.  8,935  2 pkg»*.  2,784  19 pkgs.  30.400
             Other sorts cf Woollen
              United Kingdom       2 bdls.   1,200  16 cases   2,512  2 pkgs.   320
              Egypt •              1 bale    330   4 cases  1,080   1 pkg.    27u
              United Kingdom                               46,600
              India   •   .               3,48,245  Ml    8,21,150         2,19,855
                                                   • ••
              Turkey  •   .        Me      80,460         1,02,735  eee     30,550
              Maskat  .   •        •••      7,800  • M      3,750   • ••     1,200
              Bahrein  •   «                7,395  • ••   1,12,000  • ••    12,000
              Persian Porta •              25,320  • ••    26,550          2,26,150
           AbtICLES NOT 3FE0I7IED
              United Kingdom       •••     26,190          47,225           15,290
              India   «   .                 5,700  eee     10,240   •H       7,106
              France   .   .                1,800  •m        760    Ml       6,400
              Germany   •                   1.085  eee      1,650   Me
              Turkey  .   .                                         IM       8.135
                                   eee     22,005           6,639            5,329
              Egypt it .                   16,540           6,770            8.400
              Australia   ,                        tee       800
              Maskat  •   .        eee       685   eee       415
              Bahrein  ,   ,               12,465  eee      6,555   eee     eee
              Arab Coaat .                   160   eee              eee      2,400
              Persian Porte •      eee                      eee     eee     ee«
                                   eee     7,685   eee      6,126   eee     56,086
           TOTAL OV ALL ARTICLES .  •••  79,40.220  Ml   l,06,55j066  IM  86,04,782
   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308   309   310