Page 304 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 304
Statement thotcing the Total Value of Principal Article* exported from the Port of Bmhirt
during the years 189ft, 1900, and 1901—continued.
1889. 1800. 1801.
IMurtpal article* and principal
countries to which eiportco.
Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value.
Ra. R>.
5,616 eases 33,895 6.377 cases 44,139 8,872 cases 63,691
India 22,905 7,539 cboys. 30,2uG G,490 cbovB. 25,760
China { 5,758 cbojs. 8 32
Ruuia . 20 cases 140
189 cases 1,110 59 eases 406 631 4.417
Turkey . . 47Goboy8. 1,9<>5 649 cbojs. 2.39G 891cboys 3,576
92 cnscs 570 3 cases 21 2 cases n
Maskat . 397 cboys. 1.500 307 cboys. 1,688 550 cboys. 2,200
SCO ca*cs 6,595 600 enses 4,800
6tX) cboys. 2,100 • •a 40'') cboys. 1,2(0
400 cases 2,800 200 cases 1.60)
Bahrein •100 cases 2,S05 { 200 oboyo 700 100 cboys. 300
l 64 cboys. 255 llGcboye 464 123 cbojs. 492
Persian Ports 191 ., 1,140 110 eases 770 536 cases 3,752
Other tort* of Perfumery—
India . • . . 6 cases 285 35 cwts. 1,400 16 cwts. 640
Maslat . 4 9, 160
Persian Porta . 5 cwts. 200
India . 21 cwts. 1,260 164 cwts. 9.S70 189 cwts. 11,340
China . 8 „ 490
Maskat . 9 cwis. *540 54 cwts. 3,270 21 ,. 1,260
Persian Ports . 23 „ 1,335 16 „ 9G0 11 9. 660
Sugar (loaf and toft',—
Turkey . . S9 cwts. 1,071 163 cwts. 1,956
Markat • . 21 „ 252
Bahrein . . l'iro 2,100 470 ., 7,620 &>2 cwts. 8,2-24
Arab Coast . • 3 30 11 * 19,628
Persian Porta 4S7 * 6,715 1,630 cwts. 26,080 131 9.
Turkey • . • • 10 cwta. 1*667
Persian Porta . . • 28 cwta. 2.5S0 48 cwta. 4,480 161 „ 17,173
Other tort* of Provision*— 7 pkgs. 110
United Kingdom 10 pkgs. 225 1 pkg. 25 1,123
India • • • • 439 „ 2,865 102 pkgs. 1,237 121 „ 2,597
Turkey . • • • 81 „ 885 74 „ 084 278 25
- o 99
China • • • • 1 Pkg. 3,048
Haskat • • • • 1 P^g- 30 • •• 120 pkgs. 1,200
40 *
Bahrein • • • 1 » SO • no 93 „ 1,395
Arab Coast • • • 1 30 ”*310 18,610
Persian Porta • • 48 pkgs. 6/5 32 pkga. 779
United Kingdom 123 cwts. 495 6,382 1,987 ewts. 31,792
India . 3.475 13.905 1,345 cwta.
Persian Porta . 15 „ 60
Other sort* of Seed*— 11,764 7,793 ewta. 38.9C5
United Kingdom 3,119 cwts. 4,560 2,946 owta. 21,341 3,181 „ 27,287
India • • • 4,861 „ 33,195 8.417 * 240 • •a
Germany • • CO i$ 296 64 ewts. ‘“256
Turkey . • 165 cwtf. U10 65 L140 22 h 396
Ma»kat . • 420 „ 5,670 96 „ 600 149 .. J&u
Persian Porta • • 12 w 165 87 *
Sqzlm (MotbiW-Pia**)- 98,820'
United Kingdom • • 21,255 cwta. 3.30,960 17,376 ewta. 1,28,820 21.250 owU.
Franco . • • 108 „ 2,805 8,486 i, 0,300 2,087 ewts. 8.7W
Gtruianj • • • 67 „ 046 477 i