Page 302 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 302
Statement showing the Total Value of Principal Articks exported from the Port of Buihire
during the gears 1S99, 1900, and 1901—continued.
lew. 1000. 1001.
Principal art lei?' *nd principal
oiuulrira t*« nMib cipuricd.
Quantity. Valoa. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Valu*.
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Dteino and Colocbino Mats-
b:als —
IJnitod Kingdom 2 cwta. 23
India 3 cwt.. 45 lot* Cwtfl. 2,032 I cwt. 150
Turkey . . 750 9,120 51*8 ,t 5,132 377 cwts. 3,901
Egypt . 2 105
Bahrein . . 200 „ 1,395 200 cwts. 1,000 50 owts. 550
Arab Coast 1 cwt. 40
Persian Ports . 35 cwta. 225 G1 cwts. 544 90 cwts. 3,256
Fkcits and Vegetaules—
United Kingdom 1,481 cwts. 27,072 98 owts. 1,456
India . , 6.723 cwts. 96,015 9,416 „ 1,72,378 1.214 „ 18,036
Germany 105 „ 1,920
America 203 „ 4,896
Turkey • 93 cwts. 1,383
Alaskat . 1 cwt. 32 3 45
Percian Ports • Scuta. 30 2 29
Almond Ktrnals —
United Kingdom 771 cwts. 39,570 G.S22 cwts. 3.63, S10 2,552 cwts. 1,42,912
India . . 1.915 „ 9 8,3 S 5 1,011 „ 53,920 2,593 „ 1,4-5,4S8
France . . 315 „ 10,800
Germany •iul ,, 21,SCO • M
Russia . . 2 cwts. 112
America 150 cwts. 8,000 • ••
Turkey . 8 cwt#. 413
Pernan Ports • 11 5G0
Raisins and Currants—
United Kingdom . ... 93 cwls. 1,116
India . • • 1,427 cwts. fi‘,550 1,163 cwts. 15,490 683 „ 8,146
Turkey . 31 „ 615 36 ,. 480 72 „ S64
China . . . 1 ... 13 156
Alaska! • •31 cwts. ‘"225 ! 115 cwts. 1,540 22 „ 264
Bahrein . 100 „ 1,395 IOO „ 1,300 174 * 1,933
Persian Ports • • 88 „ 615 90 „ 1,200 144 * 1,728
Otlar sorts of fruits, etc.—
Unilcd Kingdom . 205 cwts. 4,8G0 ! SG7 cwls. 5,463 66 cwta.
India . • 433 „ 4,755 j 169 „ 1,875 260 *
Turkey • • 131 „ 1,125 | 177 „ 1,438 435 *
3HU: : : 21 „ 225 \ 7 cwts. 92 8 cwts.
9 „
Zanzibar . • 50 „ 300 50 *
Bahrein 2,765 „ 22,290 i 334 cwts. 5.600 4,305 .
Persian Ports . 156 „ 1,005 I 110 „ 458 101 M
Geain and Pclse—
United Kingdom 21,307 cwts. 81,025 N«
India • . . 23,253 „ 77.010 351* cwta.
Maskat 3 cwta. 15 34 „ 115 • •• 1,296
Persian Porta • 103 „ 750 297 „ 990 243 cwta.
United Kingdom • •• ••• 6,412 cwta. 12,885
India . 6,126 „ 12,252 *2 cwta. 8
Persian Porta • 75 cwta. 240 255 „ 510
Rice— 2 cwt*. 24
United Kingdom 3,0195 cirta 30,195 • •• Ml 372
India • • 38 „ 330 3 cwta. SO 91 M 48
Turkey . • 3 „ 30 18 „ 180 4 »
Zanzibar • • •• 12 120 2 cwti. -24
Bahrein • Ml ••• • M
Arab Coot 1} cwta. 15 Slj’cirta. 40*2 ewto. *i824
Persian Port* • 040 316