Page 362 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 362
Prospects for next harvest are not good, but depend on tho March rains;
a much smaller quantity than usual has been sown.
The date crop promised well, but owing to continued hot winds and dust a
Krani 10. portion of it was spoilt. Prices were about 3s. 10d. per maund of cwt. till
after packing for Europe was completed, then owing to the unusual number of
Krnoa 17. coasting craft arriving to purchase dates prices gradually rose to Gs. 3d.
tlhco. Clarified butter which in March was 2s. Id. per G lbs. rapidly rose to
K i a n • 7
Krt«u* 12. •I#. Gd. per G lbs. owing to want of fodder.
Health.—During July small-pox appeared in Mohammerah and neighbour
ing villages and was epidemic during the rest of tho year, being very severe in
September and October.
ltiver trade.—A large part of the river cargo now consists of through
shipments to or from Ahwaz where the customs dues on such cargo are collected,
transhipped at Mohammerali. For the purpose of comparison with previous
years ail such cargo in the attached tables is included in the Mohammerah
exports and imports.
Messrs. Lynch Brothel's have supplied statistics of the imports and exports
of the Port of Nasri (Ahwaz) which are attached to show the amount of cargo
oonveyed by river.