Page 357 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 357


                 Part IV.—TRADE REPORT FOR MASCAT, 1901-1902.
              Tlie total valuo of trade for tho year as furnished by His Highness’s Customs
          Department is returned at 4,637,704 dollars as against 4,725,77G of last year,
          showing a decrease of 88,013 dollars.
              Last year there was an increase on the import side ; this yenr the imports
          are responsible for tho decrease, the figures falling from 3,366,883 to 2,996,688.
             The chief items which have contributed to this result are : —
             1. Arms.—Duo partly to the loss of tho Basuto and the fact that a number
          of cases from the last two ships have not as yet been taken delivery of.
              Also it is honed that the culminating point  of this traffic was touched last
          year and that the domand will now decline.
              2. Cereals.—One 6liip laden with cereals foundered en route from Calcutta;
          and a large quantity arrived too late for the duty to be enclosed in the year’s
              3.  Coffiee.—Last year’s import was abnormal. This year’s calls for no
         special remark.
             4.  Silk.— Imports evidently affected by events in China. The market is
         still uncertain.
             Exports. There has been an increase in the valuo of exports this year, the
         figures standing at 1,641,076 as against. 1,369,893 dollars last year.
             The items mainly accounting for the increase arc:—
             1.  Bates.—The season was a prosperous one for the Mascat date-trade, the
         quality being good and in demand.
             2.  Bried fish.—Hero again tho increase is due to a prosperous season.
             There seems nothing further in the returns calling for special notice.
                                                      P. Zi. COX, Major,
                                             His Britannic Majesty's Consul and
                                                     Political Agent y Mascat.
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