Page 355 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
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residency and mask at political agency  FOll THE YEAR 1001-1002.   71

                                    TABLE No. 15.
               Statement shoicing the Total Number and Tonnage of Vend* of each Nation that
         Ahtru'l     entered at all the Gulf porta specified in the Persian Gulf.

                                         &AILIXO.      8tbax.        Total,
                                      No. of        No. of       No. of
                                      VuvU.  Toni.  VCMCli.  Tim*.  VcMrta.  Too*.
                        1899         ‘  2S2  20.278  300  309,291  592  394.669
                        1903           273   21,025  321  391.039  594  4>'8,664
         Urii**!' .     1901           196   19,165  302  417,198  5S7  •166,663
                        1899            16   1,280                 16    l.JSO
         I'r.wb •      1900             11                         11 8   640
                        1901            8     640
                        1899                          2             2    3.107
                        1900                          1    3,107    1    1,500
         ;\wrt>i«n      1901                               1,500
                       '1899                          1             1    1.203
                        1900                               1,203
                                       431   21.255   4           435   26,333
                                       433   22,390   5    5.078  413   32,367
        T-rkiA                         372   16,760        9,477  372   16,7 00
                                       365   10.261               365   10,261
                                       2G3   8,195  • ••          263    8.103
                                       291   9,083                291    9.033
                                       758  22,428                753   22,428
                                       CS2  21,831                682   21,834
        AtjV .                              20,806                6*0   20,806
                                            36,165               1,173  36,165
                                            34,595               1,072  34.595
                                      1.216  31,415              1,216  31,415
        r. .?>»• n •                                                  I
                                                      8   12,7)3    8 !  12,713
                                    . 3,025   117,667   3<»7   377,679  . 3,382  495.340
             Total                    2,73.i   113.039   327   395,016  J 3."iV,  508,073
                                      2,732  98,169  •   400  I  459.911  . 3,132  359,'HI
                                    TABLE No. 16.
          sir.:>.t Statement shoving the Total Number and Tonnage of Vessels of each Nation that
                    cleared from all the Gulf ports specified in the Persian Gulf.
                                         Sailing.      Ctaax.        T'tau
                                      No. of        No. of       Xa of
                                      Vc*,cl«.  Too*'.  VCAtcl*.  Toni.  V c.acIa.  To:.*.
                      !  1699          274   26.5CO  259  319,255  533 j 345.9 45
                                                                  530 , 357,1 $4
                       1901            154   15,680  352  410,086  500   425,706
                       1699             13    1,010  H#            13    1,040
        Funrli .        1900            9      760          • ••    9     7CO
                       1901             5      400                  5     4/-|0
                       1699                           1             1    1,2 SO
                       19C0                           3    1,280    3    4,346
                      i 1901                          1    4,31G    1    1,750
                       1899                           1    1,750    1    1,203
        N-i vro^ian    190)                                1,203
                      1 1901
                       1699            430   20,940   4           4?4   26.018
        K«IM»          1900            419   21,960   6    6.078   424  31,437
                       1901            336   14.740   1    9,477  337   16/J52
                        1899           338   9,228         1,342  338    9,228
                        1900           252   7.776                252    7,776
                        1901           266   8,100                266    8,100
                      ! 1S99           603   19,674               603   19,074
        At ,\a
                        1900           550   19,850               550   19,850
                        1901           528   19,020               628   19.020
                        1899          1,058  31,185              1,058
        • • «*ian ,    19* *0         1,944  .33,415             1.044  Si, 185
                        lOOi          1,120  28,553         • ••  1,120  ^3,115
                        1899                                • ••
         •J :»*inn      1000
                                       If*    • ••                 • M
                        1901                          9   13,813    9    13.811
                        1899          2.716  108,627  205  826.846  2,981
             Total      190)          2,622  106,256  290  818,513  2.812  435,473
                       S 1901         .409   86,498  363  426,991  2,772  513,484
                                                                       L 8
   350   351   352   353   354   355   356   357   358   359   360