Page 356 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
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                                                   TABLE No. 17.
                Sta'cmeni shoving the Total Value of Principal Articles exported from the Citv of Shira*   ti
                                                 1899, 1900, and 1901.                   9 **
                                                  1199.             1800.
                      Principal "tildes siporled.
                                             Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Vila*.
                                                         Ra.               Ra.
                  Hones and mules            132 bend   26,400  105 head   24.000  106 head   83
                 Cotton (raw) .   .         7,626 bales  3,16,010  16,000 bnlon   8.42.857   9,260 bales  IM i
                 Drugs and medicines .      2.600 pkgs.  90,136  1,800 pkgs.  61,714  2,160 pkgs.  67
                 Fruits and vegetables—
                  Almonds ...               14.000 cwts.  163.670  14,250 owta.   162.857   0.300 bdls.  1.95,9
                  Almonds kornal •          8.600  „   0,94,276  8,600 „   10,71,423  4.860  „   6.61^9
                  Other aorta .  .   •      7,876 „     76,000  6,600 „   04,286  *,960      94. Ow
                 Gold and gold ooina .                 1.20.000           40.000             MM
                 Gum .    .   •   •         22.000 cwts.   8,02,860  29,660 cwts.  14,43,426  4,300 cases   MW
                 Hides and skins            6.600 bdlo  3,85,726  3,500 bdls.   1.75.000   8,600 bdls.   1.51.601
                 Leather.   .   •   •      265,000 piecss   3,70,845  116,000 pieces   1,31.423  186.000 pieces   2,08/»
                 Opium .   •   .   •        3,960 ohests  39,50,010  4,250 cheats  61,60.714  3,960 oases  39,81,6}
                                            1.500 oesi's }
                  Rose-water.   .   .      {  6,400 cboys.  49,710  {  4.600 cbnys.  12,857  6,360 cbnys.  4 ijA
                                                                                 1.860 crsos
                                                               2.600 cnses
                 Seeds ....                 2.500 owt*.   15,060  6.600 owU.   37.142   7.812 bags  43 S
                 Silk, manufactures of       225 bales  64,276  260 bales  1,07,1-12  186 b&los   94.09
                 Tobacco   •                29,500 bags   6,05,725  36,600 bags   7.12.000   38,600 bags   6,70,0d
                 Woollen goods (carpets) .   6,700 pkgs.  19,14,285  2,000 pkgs.  12.42,857  4,536 pkgs.  1632.4$
                 Articles not specified above          1,09,710          2,71,428           WWJ
                                 Total                99,32,535         1,11,60,277         87,13,t(
                                                    TABLE No. 18.
                 Statement showing the Total Value of Principal Articles imported into the City of Shiraz during He ft
                              y                   1699,1900, and 1901.                         1
                                                   1899.             1900.              1901.
                       Principal article* Imported.
                                              Quantlty.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Valss.-

                                                         Rs.                Rs.                R*.
                 Arms and Ammunition          4,760 casos   14.010  6.600 coses   01,285  8,450 cases   iafl
                 Candles •                     660 cwts.   41,146  600 cwts.  46.714   466 cwts.   33,61
                 Coffoe •                                      46.600 bales  71.60.000 38,750 halos   6.60.4S
                 Cotton goods .              82,260 halos   66,28,665     3.21.428   3,780 „   4,91,40
                 Thread and twist             1,676 „   1,80,000  2.600  „  2,60,000  3,600 cases   2,80,00
                                                                2.500 coses
                 Drugs and medicines          2,300 cases   1.11.420       63.671   1.250 „
                 Glass and glassware           116       49,290   160 „    42,767  116
                 Gold smbroidcrcd clotli        00 „     26,710   76 „     10.714   28 „
                                                                  26 „
                 Gold lace and thread           36       67.135           1.22,142   1.976 $.
                                                                 950 „
                                               600 „
                 Hardware and cutlery          860 „    1,94,280   1.500  „   3,86,714  1,176 „
                 Indigo .                               1,71,435  2,600 „  1.71.428  2,280 „
                 Liquors, wines and spirits   2,400 „
                 Metals -                     1,400 cwts.  00,000  2.600 cwts.  1.78.671  1,800 cwU.
                   Copper                     3,200 ,,   68,666  4.600  ..   77.142  3,960 ..
                   Iron .                     1,300 „    67.135   760 slabs.   36.671   1.260 elabs.
                   Tin .                       260 „     17,806   280 cwts.  22.000   1,230 cwls.*  83.7*
                   Brass   .   .                                9.600 cases   81,428   235 cases
                 Oils (Kcrosine)              8,600 cases  67,095   360 „  25,000  076 „      433*
                  Porcelain and Cliinawarc     400 „    2,74,276  6.600  pkgs.  2,5 J,428  2.260 pkgs.  2.S5M
                 Spices •   ,                 6,400 pkgs.
                   Kr.                        16,000 c&soa   8,42,856  42.000 cases  7,20,000 44.000 bags   8.47.W
                 au                                                       9,00,000 48.000 cases  7,47.0$
                   8oft .                     13,500 pkgs.   10.71.420   80.000 pkgs.  12.88.671  18,600 cases  13,03,61
                                                                20.600 oases
                                              16,000 casos
                 Tea .                          400 pkgs.  1,37,146   300 pkgs.  1,60,000  S00 pkgi.  1,71.7*
                  Woollen goods •                                          67.142             nye
                  Articles not specified above          1,88,666
                                                       91,42,126         1,24,01.600
   351   352   353   354   355   356   357   358   359   360   361