Page 451 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 451


                                         TABLE No. 4.
       Comparison    °f Principal Articles of Export^frotnJfohatnmerah including transhipments from Kanin

                                                Incline oi Diciiisi
                                                  COimiid WITH
              ASTICIM.                                            Crisictib or Tubi-Bivibkb.
                          a* •*.•« for   1SOI.  iocn.  Avorage.  1001.
                          Qr« jean.
                     Head   1,263   2,C14  1,895  + 627   -719  Dccrcnso due reduction in duty at
                                                                Bnsreh towards end Reason. Horses
                                                                chiefly arriving from Turkey for
                                                                export when Turkish duty high. Local
                                                                oxport about 50 yearly.
       Almonds       owt.            231    677      1    +413  Increase. From Ispahan practically no
                                                                oxport before opouing Ahwaz-Upaban
      Cotton, raw .  »•      C98     502   1.243  + 615   +741  To India and Turkey. Grown in Dirful
                                                                districts. Increased demand in India.
      .Manchester Cotton   Voloo  £11,329  £25,032  £G00  -10,729  —24,132   Excess of imports ovor local require*
        Good*.                                                 incuts in previous years.
      Lual Piece-Goods •  n  1,258   632   2,506  +1,217  + 1,673  Chiefly quilt covers printed at Shnster
                                                               on imported sheeting, and quilts made
                                                               at Shuster.
      Dates .        cwt.  4-1,914  72,766  93.4S9  +60,545  + 20,703  Incrcaso, but includes shipments to
                                                               India by coasting craft not obtained
                                                               previously. In addition it is estimated
                                                               that 18,000 cwta. wore shipped,to Arab
                                                               Coast by Oman dhows.
      Gum Trag«canth   99           ' 21    196          + 175  Increase. From Ispahan by Bakbtiari
                                                               routo, not exported formerly.
       „ Inscloble   tee    3,563  5.5S6   4,507  +914  —1,079  From Bakbtiari hills and neighbourhood
                                                               brought into Ah wen. Export large in
                                                               1901, balanco from 1900 crop.
      Oilseeds              7,025  8,050   7,299  +274   —761  From Dirful and Ram Hormuz districts.
                                                               Sesame exportod to Franco and linseed
                                                               to Great Britain and India. Decrease
                                                               1902.  Sesame crops inferior, but an
                                                               increaso in linseed.
      Ojium         Chests          323     920 |     | -f 697   Increase fiom Ispahan by Bakhtiari
                                                               rente, not exported formerly.
      Ti'lacco      CWt 8.   516    378   1,127  +911 j +1.019   Inoreaso in tobacco from Ispahan by
                                                               Bakhtiari route, local produce only.
      Wool .         99     6,815  8,391  4,029  —1,786 ’ —4,362  Product of Arabistan. Decrease owing
                                                               loss of 6hoep in 1900-1901 from
                                                               famine. Wool 1902 very inferior and
                                                               only shipped to India.
      Bugh'SS               1,011   714   1,256  +245    + 642  Natural product of Arabistan. To India
     Rtrdl .       Bundles   301    320    591   +290    + 271  Natural product of Arabistan for pens,
                                                               to India and Egypt.
     Specie •      Value  £68.953  £63,351  £31,146  -27,807 , -32,705  To India in payment goods decrease
                                                               owing badness of trade and scarcity of
                                                               rupeos and inereated use of drafts,
                                                               also to Bushire chieflji on account
     Opopoma        Case          •••        1                Grows iu Bakbtiari, exported to England
                                                               for first time.
     Comparison Table of Total Yilue of Exports from Mohammerah and Karun Ports to all countries for the  year
                                   1902. Exclusive of Specie.
                                               lacsiill OB Dbcbbibb
                                                 OuM TAM LB MITK.
            COOBTBT.                                                   Buuiu.
                         A Itnga,
                         0»« jnn.  1901.  1001  Aversf*.  100L
                           £      £       £      £       £
     United Kingdom       16,010  23,642  34,879  + 19,860  + 11,237   Increase Export of Oplnm.
     India and Aden       41,653  79.747  63,472  +38,094  —16,274  Increase on avornee due Ispahan road-
                                                              Decrease wool and horses.
     Cyprus                          8
     Perrian Golf Porta    1.743  1,111          + 616   + 1.147   Omitting Haneboater goods j see
     Turkey and Egypt      2,856  8,326         +1.235   -234  J  below.
     Prance .   .           306   1,0-0          +670    +16
                        1,900 only
     Hongkong ,           10,200  17,840  41.047  +81,747  +24.107 Opinm only from Ispahan.
               Total      71,837  126,698  146,683  +74,846  +19,000  Increased Traffio Ahwat Ispahan.
    Bnsroh and Busbire •  12,026  26.032  600  —12,326  -21.432 | Re-exports Manchester goods, omitted
                          8-1,768  161,725  147»2S3  —62,620  -4,442
   446   447   448   449   450   451   452   453   454   455   456