Page 452 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 452


                                               TABLE No. 5.
              Companion Table of Principal Articles Imported into Mohammerah including transhipmentt to A'ar«,
                                            jPorts for the gear 1902.
                                                       IlCIUU OS DICBUIB
                                      Qoimrr             coitr*iiD viti
                     IsncsB.                                             Casiuoixi os Tubs*-Rim net.
                                 iiinn flf«   100L  100L  Arm$«.  1001.
              Cod            Tons    451    814    875   —70     +31  For use of river steamers.
              Coffee         cwt.  2,065   3,192   410  —1,055  —2,783  From England, Franco and India de­
                                                                      crease owing imports for Koweit coii r
                                                                      tbero direct.          s
             Metals, iron   •   ••  0  2,259  1,987  829  —1,931  —1,659  Decrease accumulation stock* and Po­
                                                                      verty of people owing to short crop*!
               „ others  •   •  »  1,279    787    872   —407    +85  Decrease copper. Incrcaso lead r.wir.r
                                                                      cnforccmcnt prohibition on shots. 5
               „ manufactured. Value  £2,177  £2,500  £1,959  —218  —511  Decrease poverty of people. There was
                                                                      in addition 18-1 ton6 telegraph mattria!*.
             Drugs •   •   •  »»   £942    £551   £5S5   -357    +31  None for Koweit
             Cotton goods   •   •  Pt  £1*14,476  £134,401  £60,2-16  —£84,230  -74,155  Decrease poverty owing succession lad
                                                                      crops. From England and India,
                                                                      latter partly Manchester goods. Ora
                                                                      consignment Russian.
             Gunny bag*   •       £1,537          £970   —567 ;  —3,273  Decrease. No wheat export.
             Kcrosino oil   .  Cose*  2.027       4,430  +2,403   -207  Nearly all Batoam, imported by dhows.
             Matches .   •   n      164            159     —7    +77  Entirely Swedish ealphar and safety.
             Rica •    •     cwt   7,459   8,710  6,634  —1,825   -3,076  Decrease, formerly Largely imported for
                                                                      Koweit. Local supplies better. Also
                                                                      imported from Busreh, but returns not
             Silk good* •   Value  £4,120  £8,800  £1,580  -2,640   —1,260  Decrease, none for Koweit.
             Spice •   •    cwt    1,138    949    879   —259 ;  -70  Ditto    ditto.
             Sugar, crushed .  w   9,929  10,893  9,697  —232 .  —1,196  Principally Austrian beet. This year
                                                                     . 493 cwt. came from Mauritius ar.d
                                                                      Java, bat not in demand.
             Sugar loaf      H    23.764  24,717  27,432  +3,663   +2,715  Increase for Ispahan. From ^ Franc*.
                                                                      Egypt and Belgium; increase in latter,
                                                                      also India, French.
             Tea.                  3,275  1,651   1,667  —1.6C3  + 16  Decrease on average. None f :r Koweit.
                                                                      Is forwarded to Ispahan by Ahwax
             Thread and twist  H   4,214  2,317   1,232  —2,982  —1,115  Decrease. Formerly forwarded to Khc-
                                                                      remabad road closed by lawlessness cf
             Wheat .         i*    • M    9,724   6,000        -4,724  Only imported when harvest short.
                                                                      Decrease sale local stores on improved
                                                                      prospects. Also imported from BosreL.
                                                                      of which returns not obtainable.
               Comparison Table of Total Value of Imports into hlohammerah and Karun Ports from all countries for tie
                                                 year 1902.

                                                      Ivcbxasi ob Diciiui
                                                        CODU1B WIT I.
                   Cflffim.                                                   In
                                  fiv*   190 L  1901.  Arenit  1001.
                                   £      £
             United Kingdom       71,647   81,263  40,787  —30,860  -40,476
                                                                     [ Depression in trade and goola golnf
             India and Aden      1,29,237   1,26,938  66,193  —73,044  —70,745  J direct to Koweit from India.
             Franoe               16,064   16,280  10,683  -4,481  -6,697  Decrease In Sugar.
             Austria •             3,836  1,050   718  —3,118  -833  No materials for dates eases*
             Russia •                            8,900               Materials date* case* and piece-*®od*.
             Belgium .              378 .   1,890  6,434  +6,056  + 8,614   Sugar Increase.
            Turkey and Egjpt       8.5M   3,041  2,106  -6,478  -085   Doer ease principally In Egypt!*® lug4*'
            Persian Gull .#        2,233  1,986  8,650  +1*317  +1,664  Inoreaie, a shipment shawls an^F^*
            8wed*a                •••             178   •H     ■ H .
                       Totsl     2,30,079 1 9.32,418  1*23,449 —1,17*630 -1,18,999
   447   448   449   450   451   452   453   454   455   456   457