Page 459 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 459


            The rates to Yezd fluctuated between Tomans GO (Rs. 150 or £10) and
        Tomans 30 (.CO or Rs. (J0) per load of 1,1001b, and those to Kerraan botween
        Tomans 22 (.C3-l3-4or 11s. 55) and Tomans 18 (.03 or R3. 45) por load of 7001b.
        The routes were unsafe as usual, particularly during the earlier part of the
        year, when some serious robberies were committed. The Kerman post is fre­
        quently looted.
            {). Specie to the amount of Rs. 70,730 was imported during (lie year, chiefly 0. spocio nnd
         from India; and Rs. 1,83,000 was oxported chiclly to Persian ports.   Exchange.
            The rate of Krans per rupee rose gradually from 3JJ to 4. The latter
         rale is 00 to .Cl sterling.
            10.  The climate of Bunder Abbas is proverbially bad, malaria being more 10. Health,
         or less prevalent throughout the year, to which not only foreigners but natives
        also are to some extent subject. October to December (inclusive) and July are
         probably the worst months, and January to March the least unhealthy.
            11.  The want of telegraphic communication is badly felt, and should the 11. Telegraph,
        cable be extended to Bunder Abbas from Jask, the effect would he excellent in
        many ways.

                                            (Sd.) W. G. Gil BY, Captain,
                                            His Britannic Majesty'* Vice-Consul,
                                                             Bunder Abbas.
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