Page 460 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 460


                                        APPENDIX A TO PART VI.

                                                TABLE No. 1.

                           Comparative Table of the Principal Exports at the Port of Bunder Allas.
                                                                       InCUKARE OR
                                                      Qoahtitt.      DrCJtEASI! IK 11V-2
                                                                      COMPABKO WITH
                    Article.      Port.                                             Chnr»ct*r
                                                 1900.  15*01.  1032.  1700.  101.
                                                  Ri.   P.s.   Re.    R*.    R*.
                Horn*         . • Hundor Ahbm .   Head           9      9      y
                Other *ort*      Do.       *•             60     22     22     33
              Cattlr .           Do.                1                   2
              Cotton Piece-goods—
                Wbito and grej abirtinp   Do.  Package*  35  27  9      24     18
              Cotton (uaw)       Do.      cwta.  16,936  1,387  1,922  14.984  535
              Dates ,            Do.       H     11,068  3,818  2,593  8,475  1,225
              Dbcos and Medicines—
                Ro«e buds .   .   •  Do.   H            1,«56   2.341   69    wo ;
                Olbcr forli   •  Do.       m            6.303   1,820  4.3-JM   4.US2  I
              Dtbxko and coLoraiNO   D-».  *•           8.042  3,044  2,228  4.9vr8  I
              Fbcits and Vjeobtabuss—
                Almond* .        Do.       M     10,300  35.758  19,492  9,192  16.200  D<crca*« o«ing
                                                                                   expense of earn*.-'
                                                                                 i  on account if
                                                                                 I  drought.
                Raiaine And Currants   Do.  M    25.670  31,931  17 524  6.046  14.257
                Olber aurta  . :  Do.      H     17,003  5,593  2.000  15,003  z.i'.-z .
                              {                 T :
              Obain and Pulse—                                         778       !
                Wheat            Do.       n      778           7«0     14    656 i
                Other *or:s      Do.       »»     774     4    6,VOS  19,856
              Gum                Do.             17,658  10,827  165   ISO   *■% i
              Hides and Skins    Do.     Pacha gca  346  240
              Mat and Mat Baos •   Do.   Bundle*   16     40    166    150    1:6 I
              Oficm              Do.     Cheata   220*   449    324     97*   125 j
              Pxabls .           Do.     Value Ra.      15,000              15/00 I
                Ghes             Do.      cwt*.   863    734     10    858    724
                Other aorta      Do.                     450     60     60    340
             8 ALT               Do.      Tons    188    874    180     1     1L4
                Other sorts      Do.      cwt*.    19   2,977  1,088  1/161  L8Sf7
              Silk, Manupactubei or—
                Silk, piecegood*   Do.    Cases    89     10     1      38     9
                bilk app«rrl .   Do.     Value Ka.   3,018  780       3/)18   7*0
             8ncss               Do.      cwts.  2,667  2,163   738   1/134  1,430
             Tj     id Wood—
                Planks and Wood   Do.     Csses     6                   6
             Tobacco ,           Do.      cwts.  1,788  2465    718   L. 65
             Wool                l>o»      m     4,633  9,326   720   3/>18
             Woollen Goods—
                Carpets          Dn.     Boodles  141    656    238    141    *74
                Other sorts      Do.              676     90     M     498     8
             6PECIS ,   •        Do.   t  Value Bs.  1,08.479  03,696  2,88,100  79.621  94.404
             Abticles not specified  Do.         8,676  7,696  2,294  1,881  5,401
                Horses         Boeder Abbas,  Heed  IN  Ml              1      1
                Donkeys .   .    Do.              166    686           208   s.oa  DreretN ** * is
             Appambl(wsabiko) .  Do.     Value Be.  6,968  0.838       674
                                                                                   and pov*DF*
   455   456   457   458   459   460   461   462   463   464   465