Page 122 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 122
December <dth. Early this morning we again
set forward, and, after a pleasant ride, at a
good round pace, arrived at Beni-Abu-’Al'i. I
found the greater number of the tribe as
sembled around the tent, and, upon inquiry,
discovered that some Bedowins of the neigh
bouring tribe, of Beni-’Abu-Hasan, had ap
proached during the night, and purloined a
goat which had been sent by the Sheikh of
Kamil the day before as a present for me.
My servants having made the head man of
the tribe acquainted with it, they were wait
ing my arrival to retaliate upon the plun
derers by seizing some of their cattle, and it
was not without difficulty that I dissuaded
them from this intention. Among these war
like tribes the most trifling incident is suf
ficient to set them by the ears, and I am told
scarcely a year passes that the Imam is not
compelled to send some influential individual
to adjust their broils.
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